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hi sandra

Post 1


hi sandra .. i see your in here just been chatting to dave he gave me his email address i sent it to jane .. he said to say hi to you all and that he was ok .. was your day .. i was at lindas for an hour shes much better now and was even going out shopping this afternoon .. hope alls well with you .. maeve..xx

hi sandra

Post 2


Hi Maeve,thought i would have a quick brows before i go off to my bed,I have been busy,all those pateint with coughs and colds.feel realy tired,i want to get out early in the morning to finish my christmas shopping.then it will only be food and drink to do later,i have sent that Dave emails before but he never replies to them,but i;m glad he's ok thanx for passing on to Jane,pleased Linda is getting about,give her my best wishes when you see her,i'm off to bed now, smiley - love San..xx

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