This is the Message Centre for Mistygirl


Post 1


hi sandra
not sure if you will find the message i just left you ..i left it on your othet mistygirl space i didnt realize you had 2 pages .. i have deleted the old one now it gets complicated ..hope you got the pics and that they showed up ..xx


Post 2


Hi Maeve,did not realise you could get into my old site,because i had to rewrite my details again. so did not know my old site was still there.yes i got all the pics,they came out off to bed now, nightxxSan


Post 3


Morning Maeve,thought i would pop in here before i start my chores,realy getting into this now got a thread going with Sal and Helena,more i use it the better i get hopefully LOL, you have good daysmiley - love Sanxx

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