This is the Message Centre for Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

Hiya Jim

Post 1


Have you tried the link i sent you ?

Hiya Jim

Post 2

Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

the link was only to this one im on now,im still waiting for a reply on email from the membership email i sentsmiley - lovejimxxxx

Hiya Jim

Post 3


I have sent you an e-mail explaining what i did n what went wrong Jim sorry i havn`t been any help,pity i didn`t do it b4 you set up new name coz it would`ve worked then smiley - sadface
Trish xxx

Hiya Jim

Post 4

Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

i didnt know till yesterday about the email prob,what do you think of the
message page puddycat on the message
centersmiley - loveclick thisA1021654 jimxxx

Hiya Jim

Post 5


I reckon the cat looks cool Jim smiley - smiley can`t click on that though coz it ain`t in blue lol

Trish smiley - rose

Hiya Jim

Post 6

Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

i dont know what happened it should have worked but over the last few days with the crap weve had im not supprised,

ive just had an email from sheryl
she,s been a bit ill for a few days
smiley - lovejim

Hiya Jim

Post 7

Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

hi trish,ive one that got away

carol from liverpool,i,ll send details when i get them,

shes not on so, you should hopefully
be able to get her back on her original one,thanks again

if anymore turn up,i,ll send on jimsmiley - lovexxxx

Hiya Jim

Post 8


Jim smiley - smiley

I am babysitting tonight so if can get the details to me b4 then i will sort it while im there smiley - smiley

How is Sheryl now ? n have you told her to fwd details to me ?

Hiya Jim

Post 9

Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

she emailed me again today,to say shes sending details,

there could be as many as four to do my end yet,hope your ok with it,even five,

i,ll forward details as and when i get them,all have (NOT) tryed to register a new one,so old details should do jimsmiley - lovesmiley - discojim

Hiya Jim

Post 10


Jim smiley - smiley

I will give you my new hotmail addy i created y/day (in e-mail) n you can fwd details there hun,i don`t mind doing a few ppl at all & im sure Jonathan don`t either,just soz couldn`t help you out smiley - sadface xx

Hiya Jim

Post 11

Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

thanks,i can make the links for them,i make them with a background color and colored text,if we have to ciick a page they might as welt see a
color link jim

still no email from the one that im waiting for tonight,looks like next time round lolsmiley - lovejim

Hiya Jim

Post 12



I have sent you my hotmail addy ok have to go now as i have company chat l8rs

Trish smiley - rose

Hiya Jim

Post 13

Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]

sent two last night hope you manage to get them back on,just sent pagan
her link,and info how to use it jimsmiley - discoxxxx

Hiya Jim

Post 14



to be honest i have done that many i dunno whether im coming or going lol i tried to do the one you sent to my hotmail addy but the details were wrong could you ask for her to check plz hun

Trish smiley - rose

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