This is the Message Centre for JaneKlimt


Post 1


hi, im from wales, seen your introduction ,a female ,liberal and a atheist was an outstanding introduction its 0230 in the morning and im currently in work, any time to spare for a chat


Post 2


sure! who/what are you?


Post 3


you sound unsure, my name is neil ,my nickname comes from the name of a racehorse i used to own she was grey in colour and not very good she finished last every time she raced. im currently working on mobile phone customer services which is very boring ,enlighten me what are you up to? sorry i wasnt clear in the beginning. have you heard of wales were next to the growth called england.


Post 4


Hello, hello. Yes of course I've heard of Wales. Ignorant American I may be, but not THAT ignorant.
I am up to diddly-squat, which is why I am on the computer. (Diddly-squat=nothing) but must get offline in a half hour to practice lines for a play with a friend.
Do you enjoy your job?


Post 5


no! i actually hate the job its not through choice, i was seriously ill afew years ago. i was working for the railways, my job would be compared to your transit police.ive got a niece in florida who is still at college/school at what age do you leave. any career plans?


Post 6


how are things today ,what you up to ? did you read my message yesterday.


Post 7


I leave for college soon after I turn eighteen this summer. I want to write more than anything, but that's a preeeeetty shaky proffesion. Eh . . . we'll see how it goes.
I really don't know what I'd do otherwise - I think everyone who wants to write says they'll be an editor as a back up plan, but that's the only back-up I can think of!


Post 8


as long as you realise life is not a dream go for it. it wont hurt to try , from what you said you seem well your back up is your education if your prepared to work for something go for it dont let anyone tell you any different,if there is one piece of advice i can give you is ,not to trust anyone, just trust yourself and instincts.that way you will not put your self in the position to be let down neilx


Post 9


I am still learning not to listen to evaluations of my writing. Even the best writers can misjudge others, especially poetry. I do not deserve most of the gushing I have been given, and conversely, most of the harsh criticism is also unwarrented.
Nonetheless you sound rather pessimistic. Why? Why so cyncical about others?


Post 10


i may sound cynical but im not, what i was trying to say was that its up to you how you get on ,dont suffer fools gladley. do what you want possibly be influenced by people but above all listen what your heart says.enjoy what your doing the day to stop would be when you stop enjoying writing.


Post 11


Good advice, thanks.
Except I am forced to suffer fools gladly or hurt their feelings, and even fools don't deserve that.


Post 12


glad ive helped you in your career remember me when you reach the top. anyway what can you tell me about claremont never heard of it.thats what happens when you come from a small country,nevertheless im hoping to travel to russia next month to watch a soccer match involving wales,i enjoy travelling and can count fiji new zealand and hawaii amongest places visited.have you ever left the states or would you be a bit on the young side for that to have happened?


Post 13


ah yes, when i am poet laureate, i will send you some laurels.
claremont is a little sleepy town that has, quote "not figured out yet that it's a college town" It's not too far from Los Angeles or Pasadena so I survive.
I haven't been out of the U.S. but am going to Germany this year, hurrah.


Post 14


any particular reason germany i love germany, have been to berlin, cologne,rostock, munich ,nuremberg and a sleeply little place called zechlienhutte,i think thats how its spelt. i spent 3weeks in old east germany before the wall came down as part of an exchange trip for my trade union at the time. we were followed by the statsi for all the trip un nerving at the time.


Post 15


finishing work now 0730 fri, hope to speak to you mon/tues take care.neil


Post 16


hi ! how are you, did you have a good weekend?


Post 17


it was fine . .. sorry for being so inconstant with these messages, i'm super-busy applying to colleges and whatnot.
how was your weekend? i mostly walked around and around and around with friends.

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