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Dobry wieczor (good evening) Marek!!

Post 1


I hope the Moderator passes the good evening part safely! I am Samarkand and I have just put in a page Do you speak Polsih as I am trying to get anyone with Slavonic languages to share words etc`
I came to h2g2 with a group from Telewest LD library Our "captain" is Loup Dargent and if youd like to talk to us our names are all at Loup Dargents Interactive Zone. Loup is Frech He likes computers and he is trying to get people to talk franglais We should be delighted if ever you wish to talk to us!`
Also I looked at your description of travelling in your country for I wish to go to Prague via KFCb ly have self catering accommodation there for I think speaking Polsih will get me by okay in Prague. Also how possible is it to get to the south of Poland by train, probaly to Katowice or Krakow `
I wish you a pleasant evening!

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Dobry wieczor (good evening) Marek!!

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