This is the Message Centre for peasoupdragon


Post 1


Hi Fiona

You're welcome hun, I've somehow managed to leave you a message on my h2g2 page smiley - doh

I will figure this h2g2 thingy out at some point I'm sure.

In the meantime if you need a chat or anything at all sweetheart you can get me at: [email protected]

Lots of smiley - hug's to you.

PS. Think the smileys are great on here. smiley - laugh


Post 2


Thanks Holly I really appreciate everyone's support and will send ye an email separately. smiley - hug

The smileys are much better here - this is my second fave smiley - tardis

and this is my fave smiley - dragon

smiley - holly


Post 3


Will watch out for your email hun smiley - hug have a fabulous weekend and love the smiley - holly smiley.

Take care

Lisa xx


Post 4


Only me, just thought I'd pop in and say hello in case you were online smiley - smiley

Had far too much too drink on Friday night and it ended with me falling off the kerb in 4" stilleto's into the road smiley - doh Will catch up with you tomorrow. Hope all is well with you hun, and you've had a better weekend than the week you've had. smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - hug

Love smiley - holly / Lisa


Post 5


Holly smiley - holly

that sounds like a gas, I couldn't wear 4" stilletos even when I am sober never mind scuttered.


smiley - dragon


Post 6


PSD smiley - dragon

I blame the 3 chilli beers I downed in one trying to show off smiley - hangover

It still bloody hurts this morning, and I think I've took the lining off my throat with the chilli smiley - doh

LOL smiley - holly Lisa xx


Post 7


Chilli beers sounds interesting.

I was having a good auld Irish wake for a friend of mine who passed on suddenly in early February. We was buried on Valentines Day but I missed it as his OH emailed me but I only checked my yahoo mail on Friday there so missed the whole thing smiley - doh.

He went really suddenly which is how he would have wanted it - and had a right rocking send off which would have been fun if you know what I mean. But hit the sauce pretty badly and end up paying for it this morning .

What is the chilli beer like I don't think I have ever heard of it?

Are you coming to Birmingham with us - looks like its gonna be a blast!! smiley - laugh.



Post 8


Hi Fi smiley - dragon

I'm really hoping to make Birmingham I'm supposed to be on a first aid course that weekend, but I have to get my priorities right and smiley - ale and come first smiley - winkeye

The wake sounds a real hoot, they certainly know how to do them on the Emerald Isle.

Chilli beer is like Corona with whole chillies in the bottle of beer, it's bloody hot but good smiley - erm Well I thought it was until Saturday morning smiley - hangover

LOL smiley - holly xx


Post 9


smiley - holly

I have to keep an eye out for the Chilli beer sounds like its right up my street. I have had chilli vodka and that put hairs on me chest smiley - laugh.

My friend was actually Scottish but I decided that seeing as I am in Ireland I should do it the Irish way smiley - goodluck and he would have totally agreed with me smiley - devil

smiley - dragon


Post 10


Morning smiley - holly,

Just to say that you have mail smiley - laugh.

smiley - dragon x


Post 11


Ok hun,

will pop in and check now smiley - run hope you're well i need to give up drinking smiley - erm

trying to hide under the desk but everyone keeps finding me smiley - doh

Love Lisa xx

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