This is the Message Centre for Katsy a.k.a. Esti

BB & Katsy

Post 1


Hi Katsy, just dropping by to say Hi & have a chat. smiley - smiley

BB & Katsy

Post 2

Katsy a.k.a. Esti


BB & Katsy

Post 3


Hiya - how are you doing? smiley - smiley
I kept bumping into you on new persons pages, so I thought I'd come over and say hi. smiley - smiley
So, how are you, and what you up to?

BB & Katsy

Post 4

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I'm currently on my summer holidays, and am enjoying it to the full-considering it's my last one without homework to worry about! When I go back in September I start my GCSE coursework and am not happy at all! The only thing I've got to look forward to this September is the release of Skandal's long awaited debut single!!!!!!! I've been waiting since November 1999 for it so you can guess I'm kinda excited!

So what you been up to?

BB & Katsy

Post 5


Me - I've done nothing much. I'm going up to Leeds tomorrow, so that'll be something. I won't be back until Monday. Apart from that, I've just been in Southampton. smiley - smiley

BB & Katsy

Post 6

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Well I'm going to London tomorrow, then on Monday I'm babysitting, and I've had all the encouragement from a friend who babysat these same kids once or twice and he says they are a real nightmare! So whether I'll be here on Tuesday to tell the tale I don't know! Wish me luck! smiley - winkeye

BB & Katsy

Post 7


I've returned unscathed from Leeds - still alive smiley - smiley - so I'm sure you'll be safe in London & Babysitting.
Do you go to London a lot, and where exactly do you live? I don't think I've asked that before.

But still - good luck! smiley - smiley

BB & Katsy

Post 8

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I live in Southend on Sea which is fairly near London, and yes, I do go to London pretty often, infact I think I'm going yet again tomorrow! (cos my dad left something at my brother's house). I love London a lot, and when I'm old enough I'll quite probably live there! I think there's a buzz about it cos it's the capital, or something, I rarely go to central London but the times I've been there I've loved it!

Well as you can see I am still alive. I can't believe my luck! I sit there for 3 and a half hours watching TV, sipping the odd cup of coffee, didn't hear one peep from the kids and I get paid £10.50 for it! I am thinking "wow, I could make a living out of this!"

BB & Katsy

Post 9


Babysitting - it seems a good idea to me! I used to babysit for next door, and I never got to hear Heather as she just fell asleep. And I got to eat as much cake & drink as much orange as I wanted. smiley - smiley

I've been briefly to Southend - saw the Peter Pan Pricey Pleasure Place, and the peir. I thought that the sea did stay as steady as a rock and the building washed up and down the shore...

But if you are so close to London, why do you never go to the meet-ups there?

BB & Katsy

Post 10

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

meet-ups? I only heard of one in Hyde Park but it was Saturday so I couldn't go smiley - sadface Have there been others then?

Peter Pans is very pricey. I went there once with Shim and Jules and we got tickets for each ride. It was a shame though cos one of my friends is about to quit his job there and he was gonna get us some wristbands for £3 each! Darn!

If there are some other meet ups in London that aren't Friday or Saturday then maybe I'll go! Should be cool! As long as it's not Bank Holiday Sunday cos there's a huge free concert in Southend that day, and cos Skandal are gonna be there there's no way you are gonna prize me away from there!

BB & Katsy

Post 11


Why are you busy on Saturdays?
No, there haven't been any official meet-ups since then - a few unofficial ones, but nothing major or organised. smiley - smiley

I never went on anything at Peter Pans - I just saw what they had, saw what they were charging, saw how little they thought of me, and left.

Most h2g2 meet-ups are likely to be on a Saturday as that is when people normally don't work/go to school. smiley - sadface So, are you really busy every single Saturday?

BB & Katsy

Post 12

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

yep! I can't see why they can't have the odd meet up on Sunday or a Bank Holiday. I might be able to make the next bank holiday Monday, if not, i know it's a normal working day but Wednesday 30th August is a good day for me cos I'm hoping to get to the Capitol Cafe in Leicester Square as there's a Skandal gig there that day (you can see now I'm an obsessed Skandal person!).

Peter Pans now charge £14 for an all day wristband, but at the moment if you go in after 6pm then they are half priced (I'm a good advertising agent for them!). You can always come down to Shoebury East Beach on Sunday 27th August 5-8pm for the beach bash which is expecting 30000 people there that day! So far the confermed acts are:Damage, Alice Deejay, the Dum Dums, Scooch, Sid Owen (Rickaaaaay!!), Samantha Mumba, Daphne and Celeste, Lonyo, Precious, Madasun, Lolly, Point Break, DJ Luck and MC Neat, and Steps are rumoured to be there, and I know Skandal will be there as well as it says so on their website!

BB & Katsy

Post 13


The only band I've heard of from that list you just gave me was "Steps", and I don't think I'll bother going all that way to see them. smiley - winkeye
But as for meet-ups, I don't think any are planned at the moment - just keep seeing the front page to have a look - they'll let us know if something does happen. smiley - smiley

And I don't think I'm likely to end up in Southend in the forseeable future, especially not to go to the Pleasuire Park. Still, if I do go, I'll let you know. smiley - smiley

BB & Katsy

Post 14

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I can't wait to see the Dum Dums, if someone offers you to hear their stuff then listen, they are fantastic! They mainly do rock music and they do it well! As you can tell I could go on about Skandal all day! Not only are they good singers but they are terrific dancers as well! Their website is just in case you are interested, and you can listen to music samples on there. Steps aren't gonna be there cos I checked their tour page and they're somewhere else that day, along with Atomic Kitten. A group called Super Sister have been confermed and I haven't heard of them either.

BB & Katsy

Post 15


Well, I'll listen to anyone once - unless they are the Beatles in which case I listen to them infinitly. But I'll definately listen if I get the chance to, which I doubt as I don't know anyone who really bothers with modern music. And I haven't heard of "Super Sister" either.

The only famous band I've seen live were the Wurzels.

BB & Katsy

Post 16

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Never 'eard of 'em!

It's a shame cos on the Skandal website you hear the chorus of Champagne Highway (their debut single) but you don't hear the absoltuely crashing beginning! It's really loud and in yer face kinda thing (which is me to a tee!), all I can remember is them shouting "don't stop" over and over again, it's just fantastic! When I get the CD I can record some of it onto computer and maybe e-mail it to you. You'll see a choice of e-mail addresses on my user page!

One week and counting until the Beach bash! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

BB & Katsy

Post 17


Well, someone wrote a Wurzels guide article at:
so you've got a chance to read about them, although it doesn't say much. They were unique.
But I'm curious as to this Skandal sound....

BB & Katsy

Post 18

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Well there's always their official website with music samples but they are not good quality, but today I saw a preview on the Box website where you MUST vote for their video to be shown on there (even though they are WAY ahead in the lead) go and Skandal should be there first ones there and you can see a preview of the video, even though again it's not good quality, the sound if excellent, far better than the RealPlayer version!

BB & Katsy

Post 19


Hmm... okay.
So, do you know who the Wurzels are now?


Post 20

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

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