This is the Message Centre for Katsy a.k.a. Esti

The fortnightly lyrics quiz 9-7-2000 - 24-7-2000

Post 1

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Alright, so here are the lyrics!

"Don't wanna love you if you don't love me,
Don't wanna need you if you don't need me too....."

Who is the artist and what is the song called????

The fortnightly lyrics quiz 9-7-2000 - 24-7-2000

Post 2

Miss Jeni

Hi I am the first person with no real life here.. Great

I think the song is...

Samantha Mumba and I gotta tell you


The fortnightly lyrics quiz 9-7-2000 - 24-7-2000

Post 3

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

The winners will be annouced when the next quiz is put up in 2 weeks time! I'm not saying what the answer is yet...

The fortnightly lyrics quiz 9-7-2000 - 24-7-2000

Post 4

Miss Jeni

You do realize that this is just gonna end up as another conversation..??


The fortnightly lyrics quiz 9-7-2000 - 24-7-2000

Post 5

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Well, I can happily reveal that you are indeed correct! Check out my homepage tomorrow to find a)your name on the list of winners and b)the all NEW quiz!

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