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I have come to the conclution that the Internet is the most useful thing I have had the pleasure to get my grubby little hands on. Ten minutes ago I had abosolutly no idea how to hang wallpaper, now I consider myself a seasoned proffesional! (

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 1999

The Internet

Just a few internet sites you might be interested in:
Harmony Central -
An essential resource for all musicians -
One of the better 'How To' sites on the internet aside from H2G2
BME Body modification Ezine -
Includes photo galleries of piercing, Tattoos, etc.
Can be a little surreal, but if your into this type of thing it could give you some ideas.
International Directory of Online Philosophy -
A database of philosophy papers published online. Make up your own mind if it's any good!

Anybody know any other good sites?

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 1999

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