This is the Message Centre for Camp_Freddy
Fenchurch M. Mercury Started conversation Jul 11, 1999
Hi Matt from Devon. I'm Fenchurch. Well that's not my real name, but you know. Welcome to h2g2, I offer you a welcome fish, if you'd like... it can be any colour you want and even have some accesories.... say you'll think about it?
Camp_Freddy Posted Jul 12, 1999
Hi, and thanks I'd love a fish to call my own. You choose the colour though. Thanks again for the warm welcome.
Camp_Freddy Posted Aug 29, 1999
Any news on my very own fish? I was really looking foward to that.
Camp_Freddy Posted Sep 30, 1999
Still no fish? I'm hurt! Take you're time, I'm sure you've got better things to do. Thanks anyway. If you can't do it. . .please let me know so I don't get my hopes up.
Fenchurch M. Mercury Posted Oct 1, 1999
Arg I keep forgetting!!! I'm so sorry . I feel bad now. I certainly certainly will. I can't believe I forgot that twice
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