This is the Message Centre for Frustreren


Post 1

Jimi X

You've made references to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in a pair of entries which begs the question, where in pena do you live? I live just outside Hershey in the small town of Hummelstown, but my father's side of the family came from Unionwotn, Fayette County (which I would suspect is near you, judging by the references).

It's always nice to meet a fellow Pennsylvanian! smiley - smiley


Post 2


Right now I'm in State College (I'm sure the reason is obvious). But, I'm from the middle-of-nowhere, otherwise known as Somerset County - where the population of deer and cows far exceeds that of people...


Post 3

Jimi X

When we return to Uniontown for our semi-annual pilgrimage we get off the Turnpike in Somerset and go cross country to Ohiopile. And we always stop at Hill Fort (actually at the Shepherds Barn across the valley from Hill Fort in Lower Turkeyfoot Township). Sound familiar?
I think Setup Weasel also goes to school in Happy Valley. And if I'm not mistaken, he knows another researcher up there at PSU. That's quite a little enclave! smiley - winkeye


Post 4


I'm a bit north of that, northeast Somerset County - in the woods...

I knew Setup Weasel was in Happy Valley, but that's the only other H2G2 PSUer I knew of...


Post 5

Jimi X

I'll rummage through my old forums and see if I can find the name...

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