This is the Message Centre for Lord Preston

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 1


Mark just said that if I don't quit pestering him about a
towel smiley he will make sure we don't get one.
What do you think? Should I back offsmiley - huh

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 2

Lord Preston

just tell him your a member of the "Official Moxon Fan Club" it makes him go all shy, smiley - winkeye
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 3

Researcher Marj

Someone is pushing this toffee apple tag business too far, a new topic to amuse would be appreciated, Got any ideas My Lord, I feel ill I need a laugh, from My Lady Marj

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 4


I asked the pirate -which is correct- "Egg yokes be white."
"egg yokes are white."
he didn't fall for it he told me straigt out "Egg yokes are yellow.
Then there was the time two weeks ago when I asked one of the italics about helping get a towel smiley and he replied:
"I'll see what I can't do."

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 5

Researcher Marj

What 7 letter word becomes longer when you remove the 3rd letter? I expect you to know that my Lord. While you are thinking (can you?) you might eat all your toffee apples and forget the damn things. No funny e.mails got writer block then, or did you let the photo get you down. Writer marj

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 6

Researcher Marj

Sorry Mate, I got you mixed up with Lord Preston, so if he reads what I have just written, he will know what it is all about, meanwhile my man or woman you can answer my quiz question, writer Marj

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 7

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

Can I guess? *barges into forum*

Is it lounger??

I love quizzes!!!

smiley - elf
smiley - run

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 8

Lord Preston

i will not drop the toffee apples! and i swear u owe me an email still! and i still haven't seen the pic
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 9

Researcher Marj

You clever person I don't suppose old Lord Preston would have got on to see it anyway. Cheers marj

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 10

Lord Preston

Old??? me???? pot calling the kettle there i feel,
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 11


Seems to me I started this thread but Lord Preston is talking to everyone but me. I am having rather poor luck getting a Towel Smiley.
At last try italic Linda said she hopes Mark doesn't see my last effort because "other people want a towel" and she doesn't want him to make good his thrat that I conveyed in post 1 here. So My Lord are you going to reply to my first post?

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 12


my apologies. You did reply but the remedy didn't seem to help.
shagbark OMFC.

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 13

Lord Preston

well i dunno what else to do, i spoke to him briefly about our smiley - toffeeapple tag and he said they had been having trouble with there stuff so they couldn't add ne more smilies 4 ages, but it should soon be fixed. also he said something about repeated smiley requests were starting to annoy him. LOL
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 14


I think we are both going to have to live by the adage that
anything worth while is worth waiting forsmiley - groan.

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 15

Lord Preston

i guess so smiley - cry
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

Am I pushing too hard?

Post 16

Researcher Marj

No good waiting too long you might be past it, when it arrives whatever IT is. Cheers Marj

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