This is the Message Centre for sylviegirl

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi silvie
when you find this you can reply in the way i said,at the bottom of my message is (reply to this message) just click it and write a reply to me, this will then become whats called athread, the messages can be never ending, you write i write, use the active up down or blue wheel on the keyborad if you have one to scroll up and down the pages smiley - discothis is a disco smiley,lol jim

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 2


hi jim ive tried 2 remember all uve told me i hope this message reaches you,il type just a small mesg for now see if ive done it corectly x

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sylvie
you have done it first time
now if you click the link in freinds of serenity and use the discus this entry you can message helen well done
one thing, dont use any swear words the mesage will be cancelled if you want to express we do bl---y nothing over the top as the site is controlled by the bbc team, to seperate the sentences use the full stop smiley - discojimxxxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 4


hi jim well it took ma alomg time tho 2 understand all this,i got in2 helens page and seen batwing1 on her page,ive not mesaged him for ages now but loved chatting with him on ld,i go see if i can mesg helen now ok,be back in a bout an hour lol x

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 5


hi sylvie and welcome smiley - smiley

batty isnt around these days. he moved from leigh to the coast and hasnt been in touch since..

well, he sent me a birthday card and thats the last ive heard from him. so i hope he is ok.
sheryl(paganmoon) and i keep on trying, but to no avail.

keep on looking around the site and it will amaze you.

smiley - rose


Post 6


hi jim again i wondered why id not heard of him for ages,he loved hes caravan didnt he,well ive sent helen a mesg 2 say hi,im nipping off now for a shower so might be back later ok,thanx for all ur help xx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sylvie
as you see helen found you.
if you want to read any messages they are all available on h2g2.
you can reply on any message to link to any space or person.
you will be getting a message from a team ace helper, he or she will give you any help you need
if you want to join say,a dr who thred or queen thread, the ace can send you a blue link to the thread jimsmiley - disco

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sylvie
hope the addons are ok, if not let me know in what way smiley - discojimxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 9


hi jim how are you,ive been here a few hrs 2dat trying 2 see what 2 do here x

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 10


hi there how are you x

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sylvie
what do you want to do, thats the point of the exercise.lolsmiley - disco
you can write a guide, about recipes or cooking, or anything you think people would be interested in.smiley - smiley
look on the who,s online, and click a name that stands out, and say hismiley - discojimxxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sylvie
if you are reading this, then you got back on with the info i sent
send a reply smiley - peacedove jimxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 13


hiya jim ive fogot how 2 use this grrrrrrr x

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi you managed ok, just hit the reply to and your message will appear.
welcome back, if you want the addy and ages updating let me know, unless you think you can attempt it, smiley - peacedove jim xxxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 15


hi there jim how are you?whats been happening in ur life then xx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 16


hiya jim ive still got my addy as sylvie1 but can u update it to [email protected] plz,im not that clever 2 do it myself lol,hope 2 chat soon xxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 17

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

you can but you will have to follow my instructions to the latter. you will have to enter blondy1, then you repeat the same info i send you, to get it to blondy2. jim xxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 18

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi again lol
sent detils how to change it, but cant have two the same it would be blondy3 smiley - peacedove jim xxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 19


hi there jim i think i need 2 fone you and ask you a few things about using this cos im still not sure lol,my [email protected] and [email protected] they are both me ok,plz can u leave me ur phone no :O) xxxthanxs xxxxx

hi sylvie welcome from jim

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi i,ll send it to your sylvie7 email.
ive just got in from a day at the lib, and visiting a mate near by
smiley - peacedove jim xx

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