Journal Entries
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Posted May 14, 2003
Good lord, they carried me over from the old days! I wonder how many other dormant cancers like me there are lurking on some puter at the Beeb. I probably would have given up on H2G2 except that some kind soul posted on the Kelly Brook thing I wrote last century. What fun, and I have solved the problem - they are real!
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Latest reply: May 14, 2003
Posted Jul 27, 2000
Oops, almost forgot about this place ! What was I talking about again...? Oh, yeees, don't like the new front page look. Classic GOO is Classic GOO and called that for a good reason. Were'd I leave my towel...?
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Latest reply: Jul 27, 2000
More on Guide Entries
Posted Jul 22, 1999
Well they've given us some guidelines. Unfortunately it still doesn't help. My stuff doesn't contain much fact but that's a bit of a U-turn for H2G2 now isn't it. If the whole things going to be fact fact fact then why bother setting it up ? The humor slant makes ALL the difference. Another problem is that Douglas Adams is a major literary influence on me and I can't help but write similarly. Would they reject all potential entries in a day if they were all too similar to Mr. Adams' style ? No. So don't do it.
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Latest reply: Jul 22, 1999
Official Guide Entries
Posted Jul 11, 1999
Perhaps it's best to devote people specifically to the most popular subjects in the guide ALL the time. It seems that while all entries are 'appreciated', those that are written concisely and, hopefully with wit and a little truth are ignored. How many articles are actually approved as Guide Entries each day ? Will they realize that H2G2 is becoming just another chat site where entries are initially discussed and then left far far behind and replaced by little groups of people talking about nothing ? They use forums that are nothing to do with their discussion and as a result the front page reports them as the busiest or latest entries. Perhaps there shouldn't be forums, just the users pages where material is created, the guide entries to show the best material and just a general chat thingy where people can talk about anything. The front page can make its statistics by the amount of editing of user page subjects. Well, just a thought.
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Latest reply: Jul 11, 1999
Posted Jul 6, 1999
Grovelling can work wonders. There is nothing that gets you on her side better than making her feel superior to you. This is not some strange domination fetish but a fact of life. The trick is not to give a shit about it. It is easiest to always say sorry, especially when SHE was wrong.
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Latest reply: Jul 6, 1999
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The Serpent
Researcher U47667
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."