This is the Message Centre for The Mental Toaster

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 1

Ginger The Feisty

My boyfriend is very upset to hear you like chocolate covered Ginger - Please can you clarify! smiley - smiley

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 2


Clarified chocolate covered Ginger - the mind boggles! smiley - winkeye

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 3


Can you play rounders in that?

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 4

Ginger The Feisty

Probably but I don't think I will try it this weekend - after all I hardly know any of you! smiley - smiley

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 5

The Mental Toaster

No one has ever heard of chocolate covered ginger? Goodness me. It's exactly what it sounds
like,a piece of preserved ginger about 1/2 inch square dipped in either milk or dark chocolate.
Yum yum yum. Well, it's an aquired taste. You should be able to find some at a 'fine' chocolate
store, you know the ones where chocolates are behind a glass pane on shelves and you have
to ask the employee for some. I think the ones at Roger's Chocolates, in Victoria B.C. are the
best I've had. For the record, I also like chocolate covered gummi bears. (see a pattern?)

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 6


I like chocolate pigs, but have yet to persuade a pig to stand still long enough for me to model him. I have a great book on the subject - the Chocolate Lover's Handbook - which gives a recipe.
I wouldn't presume to speculate what a chocolate covered Ginger tastes like, though. (Honest, Doug, I wouldn't)

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 7

Doug Dastardly

And I'm afraid, my lips are sealed. smiley - winkeye (No, not with chocolate!) Stop it! smiley - winkeye

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 8


smiley - smiley see you on Sunday!

Chocolate Covered Me!

Post 9

The Mental Toaster

Wow, do I feel really dumb and/or stupid. Even though the subject is "Chocolate Covered Me!" and even though your name is Ginger, I still didn't actually get it. Oh well. Now I do. Sigh.
Well, have fun at the rounders match. Since I just happen to live in America, I think it will be about impossible for me to attend.

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