This is the Message Centre for Davion Q/93

Is there anyone there?

Post 1

Davion Q/93

Why does nobody seem to reply to anybody's questions?

Is there anyone there?

Post 2

Davion Q/93

Correction: why does nobody seem to reply to anybody's questions
exept ME?

Is there anyone there?

Post 3

Davion Q/93

Hello? Am I talking to myself?

Is there anyone there?

Post 4


no, I don't think so anyway.

Are you talking to me?

I think once you have an actual guide page your page starts to pick up real traffic.

Is there anyone there?

Post 5

Davion Q/93

You think so? I don't fancy lorries flattening my computer.

Is there anyone there?

Post 6


Well, at least it's better than anything Microsoft does to your computer.

Is there anyone there?

Post 7

Davion Q/93

What's wrong with Microsoft?

Is there anyone there?

Post 8


What's wrong with Microsoft? where do I begin?

Is there anyone there?

Post 9


You should begin with the Setup Wisard (Weasel) itself. I hate that thing

Is there anyone there?

Post 10

Davion Q/93

So do I smiley - sadface but microsoft programs are fun sometimes.
For instance, check out Microsoft Excel. Create a new spreadsheet,
press F5, type x97:l97, press tab, hold down Shift and Ctrl
and click on the Chart wizard. It's cool!! smiley - smiley

Is there anyone there?

Post 11


Yea, but that's the fault of the individual programmers. I mean if I were a programmer I'd be putting little easter eggs into everything to try to stave off the boredom of programming.

HEY!!! These forum reply boxes word wrap!!! Go H2G2 Programmers!

Is there anyone there?

Post 12

Davion Q/93

EASTER eggs?
Are you SURE you're not a Starchild?
Go Fried Eggs! Especially with bacon!
Mmmmmm yummy yummy yummy smiley - smiley

Is there anyone there?

Post 13


I don't have a guide page yet and my page is bustling with so many conversations on the go I can hardly keep up. The trick is to go round and say hi to everyone you come across. So, HELLO to everyone here I haven't already met.

Is there anyone there?

Post 14

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)



Is there anyone there?

Post 15

Davion Q/93

You've already met me, SMURF, but I don't know about Setupweasel.

Is there anyone there?

Post 16

Davion Q/93

Or Anakha or Solongandthanksforallthefish.

Is there anyone there?

Post 17


Well, you can check out my page (There's some stuff on it), and get to know me a LITTLE better, perhaps

Is there anyone there?

Post 18

Davion Q/93

Hi Anakha, I've looked at your page, and entered one of your
I've looked at Solongandthanksforallthefish's page too. More
comments later.

Is there anyone there?

Post 19

Davion Q/93

Comments. smiley - smiley

Is there anyone there?

Post 20

Evil Bobchan

Well, seeing as you were so good as to visit my page I felt I ought to reply. In answer to your Q - I am here, at least in body nad trying my hardest to keep up...

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