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Work as Torture Device

Post 1

Purple Lemur

Okay. I'll keep this short. I work approximately 10 hours per day. It takes around 45 minutes to get to work and another 45 to get back home. I spend 45 minutes getting ready for work in the morning and about 45 minutes removing the stress from the day when I arrive at my apartment. (Total time so far: 13 hours/day) I sleep for about 7 hours a night. (Total time: 20 hours/day) This leaves me with roughly 4 hours per day with which I can do anything I like. I do have the pleasure of weekends off, giving me another 38 or so hours a week to myself...totalling my free time up to somewhere in the vicinity of 58 hours a week. I leave this journal entry as an explanation of my incredulous laughter at my credit card company's suggestion that I get a second job in order to "eliminate my debt" to them. =)D: 

Work as Torture Device

Post 2


Absolute roobish ladday!
Get on with your wark!

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Work as Torture Device

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