Journal Entries


 Do I procrastinate?. Do you need an answer right now? Well, lemme think about that and get back to you later O.K? I don't want to make a snap decision after all!.
Why do I have time to do this now, when I have a million more important things to do? It's all a question of motivation I suppose. The good thing about procrastination, as my brother pointed out, is that if you wait long enough, you'll only have one option left! It gets rid of all that tedious decision making stress. Instead, in it's place, you can get a dose of pure panic when you sense the walls closing in, and time running out. Ahhhh, nothing makes you feel more alive! Yeah, Right!
Anyway, I better get something done now, I can almost feel the walls closing in. Remind me to do a piece on motivation, and remind me to give you the answer about that procrastination stuff.

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Latest reply: Jun 28, 1999

Electrical Engineering

 Electrical Engineering, like a lot of other stuff, is a catch-22. You do it because you're smart, but if you were really smart, you'd do something easier.

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 1999

6/24/99, late

 Well, just found this. Must remember to bookmark it, and let friends know. Must remember to remind myself

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 1999

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