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Guide Lesson

A2673353= Buffy's Picture Guide

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Latest reply: Jan 13, 2008

Morning Has Broken


I woke up early one morning
the earth lay cool and still.
When suddenly a tiny bird perched on my sill,

He sang a song so lovely
So carefree and gay
that slowly all my troubles began to slip away,

He sang of far off places,
of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his chirping brought up the morning sun,

I stirred beneath the covers,
crept slowly out of bed, shut the window
and crushed his little head.
I am not a morning person!

smiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - wahsmiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - rofl

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Latest reply: Feb 20, 2007

In The Beginning

If a new researcher were to ask me how to get the best from this site, I would say, “Go for it, and enjoy the experience”smiley - run.

There are literally hundreds of people to meet and talk with on hootoo. One of the great strengths of hootoo is the diversity of people who become researcherssmiley - artistsmiley - bikersmiley - chefsmiley - clownsmiley - nursesmiley - doctorsmiley - senior. Just keep lookingsmiley - ok, sooner or later you will come across some one or some subject which you will find enthralling. Don’t be shy, jump in and join the conversation, that’s why we are here to talk, and in some cases talk and talk and talk smiley - biggrin.

As you become more confident experiment with GuideML on your Personal Space; it’s not complicated once you have studied it for a while. Using GuideML can really add to the enjoyment of hootoo. Have a browse round other researches pagessmiley - lurk, you’ll see some great sites.

Make good use of your ACEs, a great bunch of people, who will be only too willing to pass on their knowledge; I would not have dipped my toes in to GuideML with out their kind assistance; many thanks to Feisor - F.E.I.S.O.R. - aka U38014 (but not in polite society) and lil .. ACE/Scout..[Goddess and Keeper of Rob the Carpet. Carer of the Mascot of S.H.A.D.O.W] smiley - applause.

Enough talk, now go enjoy yourselves.

OH! Just one word of warning ... smiley - erm it's addictive ... you've been warned!smiley - goodluck

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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2007

Back to work

Posted Oct 31, 2006 by Clip_per

Just had five weeks off work. Spent some of that time in Tenerife where it was hot and sunny. Warm sea and long, cold drinks. Back to reality and work, night shifts. Out side the wind is howling, and the rain is lashing it down. Sure I can hear some one on the fell shouting, 'Heathcliffe, Heathclife.' Sun tan turning to rust, and the holiday spirit washed away by the rain.

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2006

Thoughts, ramblings even!

Sitting here with only the light from the monitor illuminating a small corner of the room, I realized that at the touch of a few keys I could travel the world; a world I have seen very little of. Yes, I have travelled abroad on vacation to Europe, but I have not really seen any thing of those countries. I did not meet the real people, or truly experience their extraordinary (to me) cultures; I was never there long enough, nor did I visit the authentic cultural centres; I saw the sights as you would say. But they did not justly represent the culture and people of the country; they were the normal tourist traps.

The curtains are open and it is dark outside, the winds that we have had over the past few days died away, leaving calm, motionlessness trees silhouetted against the sky. The house is quiet and still, all asleep but me. The cursor blinks, screen blank, the dim light penetrates not only the room, but also my mind; hypnotic almost.

What do I write?

Why did I join this site?

What do I expect to gain from it?

More importantly what meaningful contribution can I make to the rest of its members?

I want to talk with people from other parts of this tiny, threatened planet; to learn of their life styles and expectations. To hear their points of view on just about any thing.

I want to learn? To understand others.

Its late (or early depending where you are), I’m tired, also maybe (no certainly) one too many.smiley - ale

I’m going to bed.

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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2006

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