This is the Message Centre for ubernorman

Subbing "Gin and Bitter Lemon"

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello ubernorman smiley - smiley

I've got your wonderful entry to sub-edit, so if you'd like to go subscribe (so the conversations when it goes live will appear on your Personal Space) to the soon-to-be-edited version which you'll find here: A13996290
then we can start discussing the entry!smiley - ok

smiley - ermThe link you provided to "boules" was unedited so not allowed, so I've changed it to "cricket" - is that alright?

Galaxy Babe

Subbing "Gin and Bitter Lemon"

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Are you happy with the title? I was thinking of something a little more descriptive that'll show up in more searches, perhaps:

Gin and Bitter Lemon - the Moreish GBL


Gin and Bitter Lemon - Tall, Tasty and Refreshing


Subbing "Gin and Bitter Lemon"

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi, unfortunately I can't get any new articles to sub until I return the ones I already have. If you have any comments, could you make them now please? Thanks.smiley - ok

Subbing "Gin and Bitter Lemon"

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm sorry I'm going to have to return it now, so I can get more work to sub-edit.

If you have any disagreements with my alterations please post here and I'll get them changed at Editorial Feedback.

smiley - goodluckwith your next article and see you on the Front Page!smiley - magic

Galaxy Babe
smiley - towel

Subbing "Gin and Bitter Lemon"

Post 5


hi and sorry for not responding. been a very busy boy of late. your suggestions sound absolutely fine. any mention of cricket gets the thumbs up from me. i like 'tall tasy and refreshing' as a title although anything would do.

thanks again. i'll try and be a little more responsive.

cheers smiley - ale

Subbing "Gin and Bitter Lemon"

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cool
No worriessmiley - ok

You can watch your entry heading for the Front Page here:
(Returned from sub-editor Header)

You will receive an email from the H2G2 Editors on the day it appears on the Front Page (around 10am GMT) so don't worry about logging into H2G2 every daysmiley - ok

I'm so pleased you're a cricket fan *phew* and didn't mind the little title tweaksmiley - biggrin

See you on the Front Page!smiley - towel

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