This is the Message Centre for Sparrow Hawk


Post 1

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I'll put the graphic up as soon as I can...good idea. Some people are pretty sensitive to critisism...

And one month? You expect them to reject after only one month? Mine have been waiting three and a half, four... still nothing. It's easier to just forget about them. I like that page, well, what I had a glance at, at least..I'll be back to look at it more in depth...

Bye now...

-Fenchurch smiley - smiley


Post 2

Sparrow Hawk

Thanks ;}
My idea's only an extension of other's ideas though, if the guide is in need of anything, it's most defiantly NOT ideas ;}

As far as time goes.. well, I guess that matters on how many people from H2G2 wander around reading and rejecting entries. Another job I'd volunteer for if I could.

Well, thanks for coming by, and thanks for starting up my forum, I was beginning to think I was only talking to my stuff here ;}

-Sparrow Hawk smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Sparrow Hawk

err.. myself, but I guess my stuff would work as well, as long as words count as stuff...

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