This is the Message Centre for Daibhid Chiennedelh
dferg Started conversation Oct 13, 1999
You say your name is David or Daichi, pronounced much the same. if this is the Gaelic, it should be Daibhidh, and its pronounced more like die-vee.
Daibhidh MicIain 'IcFearghuis
Daibhid Chiennedelh Posted Oct 16, 1999
You, erm, may be (in fact, probably are) right. You certianly are on the pronounciation. My apologies. As far as the spelling goes, however, I did actually look this up in a Gaelic dictionary in my local library and it said "Daibhid". It's the "Chiennedelh" I'm really not sure about. I've seen three different Gaelic spellings for "Kennedy"...
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