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I think I hear a voice...
Nightfever Started conversation Jul 20, 1999
hey there. Not much here to comment on, but I do like the fax machine idea. You could learn modem-speak then, they're quite similar (vocally). You could browse the net from a payphone! wow!
I think I hear a voice...
Slug Posted Jul 22, 1999
Yeah, but think of the angry queue behind you if someone sent you a huge attachment...
I think I hear a voice...
Nightfever Posted Jul 22, 1999
That's a point, but if you could talk to it, you could cancel the download until later or sth...
Imagine the hacking possibilties if you made friend's with the TA of the CIA or whatever...
Slug Posted Jul 28, 1999
Yes, well the possibilities are endless.And something else occurred to me; could you speak digitally with an accent?
I am, of course, thinking specifically of Welsh faxes coming out all soggy.
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I think I hear a voice...
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