This is the Message Centre for Daltonator

being irritating already

Post 1

mrs. slartibartfast

Hello Mr. Mighty!! Took ya long enough ya know....welcome back cuz!!

being irritating already

Post 2


I have absolutely no idea why I am in this conversation at all, could someone enlighten me?

being irritating already

Post 3

mrs. slartibartfast

*Switches the light on*

being irritating already

Post 4


That's better. Ok, now who is that on the bed? Did they sign in as registered users? Mmmmmmmmm Why the jam sandwhiches? Don't they know it is jam yesterday and tomorrow?

being irritating already

Post 5


That's better. Ok, now who is that on the bed? Did they sign in as registered users? Mmmmmmmmm Why the jam sandwhiches? Don't they know it is jam yesterday and tomorrow?

being irritating already

Post 6


Bloody hell, that's some echo!

being irritating already

Post 7


You ain't exactly a sight either, madam slarti smiley - smiley

being irritating already

Post 8

mrs. slartibartfast

Might I remind you mister mighty that we ARE related and thusly any remarks about looks can and will be thrown back!!

being irritating already

Post 9


Yar right, you're a Welsh! Hee hee hee

being irritating already

Post 10

mrs. slartibartfast

Ack you twit!!!DON'T BE TELLING ALL ME BLOODY SECRETS!!!!!!!!And for what its worth, I'm more Irish than you so pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt!! Yes, I'm gloating, SO THERE.

being irritating already

Post 11

mrs. slartibartfast

And at least I'M not a DALTON!!

being irritating already

Post 12

mrs. slartibartfast

Oh and hi concorde!!

being irritating already

Post 13


intrusions are not welcome, sorry, wont do it again, interesting experience though!

being irritating already

Post 14


Grr, yer asking fer it, pillock.

being irritating already

Post 15



being irritating already

Post 16

mrs. slartibartfast

Don't be silly!!

being irritating already

Post 17

mrs. slartibartfast

Dammit help me Dalt........I can't think of a bloody thing to put on my H2G2 spot.....ARGH!!

being irritating already

Post 18

mrs. slartibartfast

I'm starting to think writers block is gods way of saying YOU SUCK JEN!!

being irritating already

Post 19


Hee hee hee

Why don't you talk about your cats?

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