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Day 3
Posted Jul 11, 1999
Dear journal,
woke up this morning to some loud racket that was almost literally ripping my ship apart. Found out that it was just a disaster area concert! YAY! Almost hit a rock whil kicking it over to the big bang burger bar to get drunk over a pan galactic. checked outside. What i found was great. enough altarian dollars to remake my ship! hey what am i saying i could buy my own
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Latest reply: Jul 11, 1999
Day 2 3/8
Posted Jun 6, 1999
Dear Journal,
Just got back from the second search of the ship. Found BOB tied up in a corner of the ship. Weird though right before I found him heard a sound like a thousand people saying FOOP. Who knows well better be on guard. Oh ya almost got taken out by the Heart of gold.
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Latest reply: Jun 6, 1999
Day 2 3/8
Posted Jun 6, 1999
Dear Journal,
Just got back from the second search of the ship. Found b
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Latest reply: Jun 6, 1999
Day 2 1/4
Posted Jun 6, 1999
Dear Journal,
Well here I am lost drifting in open space with no clue as to where i am. Last I remember I was passing through the planet Betelgeuse went to take a np and woke up here. Floating. Lost. All I can think of is that BOB guy did it and ran because he is gone. well gotta go search the ship, bye.
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Latest reply: Jun 6, 1999
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