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Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Entry: Mersey Beat - A12282905
Author: merseybeat1961 - U4367898
Submitter: Galaxy Babe - Scout/ACE/Sub-Editor - Front Page author - U128652

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Post 2


hello Merseybeat61 - I'm just letting you know that I'd like to rescue your articles on Mersey Beat and Mersey Sound and get them into the Edited Guide.

I'm not going to do anything for at least a week, and when I do, I will keep you informed at all times. If you have any questions or objections, please let me know!


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Post 3


Hello Merseybeat 1961 – I'm afraid I couldn't wait a whole week. The new version of your article can be seen here: A87799081 and is currently in Peer Review, conversation: F48874?thread=8302825

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


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Post 4


Congratulations – it has now been Approved! See: A87802004


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