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Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Just read your post in the freemasons thread and must say "I like your style" - I, too, believe that humour helps knock the (over)stuffing out of things.
I find it just a little disturbing that so many people take so much so seriously. I suspect anyone who is humour challenged and too politically correct.
I have a book on my shelf called "Politically Incorrect Humour" and it is totally unbiased - it insults EVERYONE regardless of race colour or creed - so totally UN-PC that it is PC!!!


Post 2


I never really though of myself as un-pc per se, merely that I thought Mr. Freemason was taking himself WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too seriously, and, in fact, missing the whole point of the guide.

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