This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Post 4061


Morninf smiley - blacksheep

Child From Hell!!!

(my dear darling 17year old son!!!)


Post 4062


Scoobs, that was the same answer for both of us job-wise. We're broke. Neither of us has anything lined up yet. Really fed up with it all now and wish I had just taken the truck and driven off into the sunset - still no buyers for that either though smiley - erm. Feeling very much like curling up under my desk with my coat as a blanket, sticking my thumb in my mouth and going to sleep for the next 5 years.

smiley - bluelight


Post 4063


Oh, except I can't because they're throwing us all out next week.smiley - laugh

Message 3961

Post 4064


smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

smiley - dragon

Morning Capn et al - just in the internet cafe sending a fax to get my phone put back on.

I mean I didn't owe them that much smiley - whistle


Post 4065


There is absolutely no reasson to put Scoobydoo in a corner by asking him to name and shame. It was me who wrote the rant and it was not pulled. I asked for it to be removed for two reasons. One is I had included my e-mail address and secondly, on reading back I realised that it may be misconstrued and give the impression it was directed at all who post on the thread. Not so, it was aimed at the ladies who seem to take great pleasure in insulting certain posters, including myself, albeit by insinuation. I wrote this rant in a fit of anger after reading back some of the accusations that have been bandied around for the last weeks and months.
I find it extremely depressing that people like Holly, Smiley Carol, Peasoup and Dev. continually insinuate that myself and Socarola have been at the bottom of the phantom button pusher saga....also the reference to Pendle witches was extremely defamotory.
I would have thought that at least one of you would have seen fit to offer an apology at least. However, even though the actual as you call it virtual button pusher has already been exposed, you still continue to carry on with the sniggers. Anyway, I am expecting my original post to be re-instated as e-mail addresses are not against House Rules...So, you can all have a good read and come to your own conclusions. I apologise for the tone of voice in which it was written but we can only take enough insults and I see no reason why I can not make an effort to defend myself. This, as you say is a public message board and many people are aware of exactly what is being said and by whom.
Hope I have made myself clear and not wishing to embark on another argument saga, I hope you will now stop the bitterness that some of you seem to take such a delight in.


OH I AM NOT EVEN GOING TO START AS smiley - holly said her peace and its done and dusted but smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr


Post 4066


Aww BBT smiley - bluesmiley - cheerup

smiley - blacksheep


Post 4067


Well, we just heard - OH didn't get the job he wanted so that's another God knows how long before there's anything else out there he'll apply for.

I, in the meantime, keep hitting refresh on my inbox in the hope of getting some news about the thingy I went to on Monday. They said we'd hear by today so I'm not feeling too optimistic by now.


Post 4068


Chin up BBT smiley - bluelight
smiley - donut

smiley - blacksheep


Post 4069


Thanks Scoobs.

smiley - hug


Post 4070



After 2 days of constantly hitting refresh on my inbox I've finally got the mail! I made it through the psychotests and they want me in for interview next week.

smiley - ales are on me!

smiley - cheerssmiley - magic


Post 4071


Excellent BBT
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - cake
I'll tell 'em on CB for you

smiley - blacksheep


Post 4072


Ta Scoobs! smiley - cheers


Post 4073


Done - but not many on today. Do it again tmw

What will you be doing WHEN you get it?

smiley - blacksheep


Post 4074


If I make it through the interviews...

Not sure I want to say in case any potential bosses are on here! smiley - biggrin
Don't think any are but it pays to be cautious. smiley - winkeye

I'll update you on that some other time.

smiley - cheers


Post 4075


If I make it through the interviews...

Come on now - that's a WHEN
smiley - cheers

smiley - blacksheep


Post 4076


smiley - winkeye

smiley - bluelight


Post 4077


Morning all smiley - hug

smiley - dragon missed you hun smiley - hug

smiley - coffee anyone?

Have spent the last 2 days smiley - hangover and trying to work at the same time, it's just not cricket smiley - rofl

But I'm sober and back smiley - rofl


Post 4078

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Just not cricket?!

Morning peeps. smiley - whistle


Post 4079


Morning allsmiley - hug

Very tired, H was talking in his dream at 4am & woke Molly up smiley - erm


Post 4080


Morning allsmiley - hug

Very tired, H was talking in his dream at 4am & woke Molly up smiley - erm

Nice one BBTsmiley - hug

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