This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Welcome BBT

Post 3921


Its good smiley - bluelight

Virtual doougnuts and all!!!

smiley - rofl

Welcome BBT

Post 3922


So that was a donut was it smiley - donut

smiley - sheep

If people want to talk 1 to 1 (don't read anything into that) you'd have to just revert to Email?
Can everyone read everybody's page like this?

Welcome BBT

Post 3923


And no stinky pre-mod! That's the bit I smiley - love bestest, 'coz although Wilco's great over there I have really really really had enough of stupid stinky pre-mod and wish all the mods would just get over it and shove it up ...

Well anyway, 2 months with no real explanation sucks. Big time.

And makes me write like a flippin' teenager smiley - doh

smiley - grr

And breathe...

Have another smiley - ale

smiley - bluelight

Welcome BBT

Post 3924


Erm..... i appear to have been traded for a camel between J&K & Hades..... lil help on CB please people smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

smiley - monster x

Welcome BBT

Post 3925


I would but you'll be in the middle of the desert by the time my help gets posted...

Have a smiley - stiffdrink instead and throw smiley - donuts at them - should distract Hades for a bit anyway.smiley - smiley

smiley - bluelight

Welcome BBT

Post 3926


smiley - lurk

Thanks smiley - bluelight

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - bubbly

smiley - monster

Welcome BBT

Post 3927


smiley - monster.......I have called for the cavalery smiley - sheep should be with you soon to lend a paternal hand.....

smiley - erm

Welcome BBT

Post 3928


smiley - sheep had better smiley - run or i'm done for smiley - wahsmiley - wah

smiley - monster

Welcome BBT

Post 3929


My name's not valery smiley - erm

N-one answered my other question up above smiley - wah

smiley - sheep

Welcome BBT

Post 3930


OMG smiley - yikes I think you are..

he is just plain cruel!!!

Welcome BBT

Post 3931


Sorry scoobs I missed it!

Yes email most f us have put ours in our personal space thingy and keep in tough....we also signed up to facebook....much to my childrens disgust....Mum....its for YOUNG people!!

smiley - rofl

Welcome BBT

Post 3932


thanks a lot smiley - sheepsmiley - sadface

hmpf that's wot i get for relying on a smiley - sheep then!!

smiley - laugh just kidding!! Thanks big sisters smiley - hug sisters are doin it for themselves......... bloomin good job eh?!

smiley - monster


Welcome BBT

Post 3933


Bye Bye Carol

smiley - sheep

Welcome BBT

Post 3934


Bye smiley - sheep

Did you see my reply...spelling errors and all!!!
I can't really type...have you noticed???

smiley - rofl

Welcome BBT

Post 3935


Oh yes smiley - biggrin
smiley - sheep

Welcome BBT

Post 3936


I can generally spell just fine....just can't blooming type!!!

have a good weekend and if you can find my email address drop me a line!!!

Have a good one

smiley - smiley

Welcome BBT

Post 3937


Off for weekend soon. Yay!

Cheeky have a bleddy brilliant holiday - I might not be on the boards by the time you get back but my e-mail is floating around so stay in touch or I'll use my ninja senses to track you down and sneeze at you until you admit that falling out of touch was (would have been) a really pooey thing to do to a fellow ninja. smiley - hug

smiley - bluelight

Welcome BBT

Post 3938


Will do smiley - bluelight all the best & i'll catch up when i get back smiley - hug

missin you's already smiley - smiley

smiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersault into the distance

smiley - monster xxx

Welcome BBT

Post 3939


Well bye all, I'm offski!

See yaz!

smiley - biggrin

smiley - bluelight


Post 3940


This post has been removed.

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