This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dem Men....

Post 3601

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Maybe she's just not so bad...

Dem Men....

Post 3602


Captain you are a smiley - devil

Dem Men....

Post 3603

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I am not! Im just saying, you never know!

Dem Men....

Post 3604


I always thought she was ok until I met her dark side after a few smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

I think she is jelous of mine & H's relationship, her's is just for the sake of her kids, she admitted a few months ago to me & H that they have not had sex for 5 years...or touched etc...smiley - yikes

Dem Men....

Post 3605

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Ah well, that probably explains it.

Dem Men....

Post 3606

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I get to go home soon! smiley - bluelight

Dem Men....

Post 3607


smiley - biggrinFrustration smiley - wah

I'd die smiley - wah & turn to smiley - bubbly

Dem Men....

Post 3608


I was about smiley - ski that she must be gigging for it but dont want to get modded.

If its her party take her a for a gift smiley - laugh

Dem Men....

Post 3609


blooming typos smiley - steam

I meant smiley - bunny but you know I mean the rampant one smiley - devil

Of course you could get drunk and anounce this confidence to the party. Or tell someone in a between you me and the door post and it will be round the party quicker than well you know smiley - devil

smiley - evilgrin

Dem Men....

Post 3610


Na PSD, I'm not lowering myself to her leval smiley - erm

smiley - biggrin

Her Husband has'nt in five years so I'm not going tosmiley - biggrin

Dem Men....

Post 3611


Hello everyone i'm back!!

I've read a few posts above smiley - erm ooooooh! I'm intreagued s anyone?? smiley - rofl

smiley - monster x

Dem Men....

Post 3612

Devonian Fossil

Mmm, so I'm the only one without my own smiley. This is my favourite smiley - cheers but doesn't really describe a fossil.

Hmmm. What about this one? smiley - skull

Votes please. Or I could be a ghost smiley - ghost

Dem Men....

Post 3613


I quite like the smiley - skull Dev but I am sure there is something better!

Morning. How are you today?

Friday Yay!!

smiley - smiley

Dem Men....

Post 3614


Mind you I have just found these smiley - cupid and smiley - weird

How did we miss those???

How about smiley - surfer as you are near smiley - surfer land???!!

Dem Men....

Post 3615

Devonian Fossil

Just caught up with CB and realised BBT was staying about 5 miles away on her honeymoon!

Hmm, smiley - surfer doesn't really look like a surfer, more like a ballet dancer!

I could change my name to Dev - smiley - elf and safety

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3616


I am loving the smiley - cupid one though Dev...not that I think its likely to get used that much!!!!

I still think smiley - skull is the has a certain menacing quality about it!!!

smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3617


Morning All,

I thought that smiley - cupid would have suited smiley - ski luv as its kindof purpley but she has already chosen smiley - ski when I found smiley - cupid.

What about smiley - stiffdrink Dev?

smiley - dragon

OBTW Morning everyone smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3618


I think Purps should change!! smiley - cupid is much more appropriate!

Morning smiley - dragon

Its lovely over here too this morning. Car said it was 21 outside when I drove to work at 8 this morning!!!

Dem Men....

Post 3619


I think smiley - cupid is more purps too but I suppose its her smiley - smiley isn't it.

She is getting her puppy today - wonder if it will be one or two that she will come home with smiley - laugh.

Dem Men....

Post 3620


Morning!!! It's a lovely day here again smiley - coolsmiley - biggrin but my hayfever has gone mad smiley - grr I feel like a have a cold & can't stop sneezing smiley - grr

Will be outside all day 2mrw too..... eeek!!! smiley - sadface

Anyhoo - got a tonne of work to do so i'll prob not be around much 2day so i'll start you all off early on the smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - ale

Have a fab weekend all smiley - monster

xsmiley - cheersx

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