This is the Message Centre for Artretia Dent

I don't object BUT...

Post 1

QuadBee (39130)

This is ZachsMind, the hoopy frood juggling the QuadBee project. I've seen your preliminary description of your focus character for the project which you have left on your homepage and I like it so far but I may need to explain some things just to be sure you understand.

If you're planning on having Fenchurch be your mother, understand this is the Fenchurch of Reality Two, who is not the same exact person as Douglas Adams' Fenchurch. Well, for all intents and purposes you should be able to treat her the same way, but the Earth she comes from was never destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Since your last name is Dent, we can assume that Fenchurch and Arthur Dent met somewhere along the way, on Earth, got married, had you as their daughter, and you can go from there. I guess that means Arthur Dent and Fenchurch exist in this second reality, but they do NOT know about the adventures that the Reality One Arthur and Fenchurch had in DNA's books. That means they haven't met Zaphod or Trillian yet, and if Ford is Arthur's friend, that means Ford's still on Earth and never left it, and hasn't told Arthur yet.

I'm trying to keep the main characters out of the story as much as possible for now, so focus on your character and just use your parental units as supporting characters.

Why? Well that takes a long time to explain. It's all about alternate realities and temporal engineering and pan-dimensional anomalies. Don't worry about the technical stuff. That's my job.

Also, be sure you write anything you plan to submit to the actual book in User Pages. Please don't use journal entries or your main homepage, because I can't link to those. Well I CAN, but not as actual chapters for the sixth book. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them at my QuadBee homepage (link is above just click on my name) or you can email me at [email protected].

And thanks for participating! smiley - smiley

I don't object BUT...

Post 2

Artretia Dent

Great! I read the rules, and I do mean the reality two versions.
I also understood the rules, which is an acheivemnt, I think!
The fact that they're all round and about earth, possibly even at the same time can be explained due to time travel, can it not?
Is it O.K if I E-mail you with a couple of, as yet, secret plot ideas to see if they fit in?

I don't object BUT...

Post 3

QuadBee (39130)

Oh yeah email away. No problem. [email protected].

Time travel can technically explain things away. You can say a later version of the person appears but eventually you'd still have to explain how the Reality Two counterparts meant, or rather SOMEONE eventually has to IF in fact they actually have to meet.

We could also clone them I guess, or create a temporal disturbance that makes many of them show up, sort of like what may or may not be happening to Marvin. However, temoral disturbances were what ended the last reality, and we don't want this one folding prematurely.

I don't object BUT...

Post 4

Artretia Dent

This one can't fold prematurely (I'll E-mail u with the explaination).
Arthur 2 tried chatting up Tricia 2 in islington. She went off with 'Phil' 2, and they eventually had Zaphara. Meanwhile in Islington, Fenchurch 2 was at the party and she started to talk to a rather angry & depressed Arthur 2....
Also, there is to be a problem with two different realitys....
so there will be 2 options for certain characters.

I don't object BUT...

Post 5

QuadBee (39130)

That sounds good. We're sort of developing a Hitch Hiker's Guide the Next Generation kind of thing here. There's already Random from the last reality. Whether or not she made it through the Big Bang with Marvin and Mach Two is still a bit uncertain. I think Zaphara's working on that. You might want to talk with her about it.

So we have Artretia, Random (possibly) and Zaphara. Descendants of Arthur and Trillian. Random is from Arthur/Trillian One, Zaphara's from Trillian/Zaphod Two, and Artretia is from Arthur/Fenchurch Two.

As long as we give anyone who reads this book a score card to follow along with we should be relatively okay! smiley - smiley

I don't object BUT...

Post 6

Artretia Dent

I wander if any sibling clashes will occur....

sibling rivalries

Post 7

QuadBee (39130)

Well I most certaintly hope so! If those chapters of the book involving Artretia, Random and Zaphara consist of nothing but the three of you hanging out at shopping malls schmoozing at boys I'm going to go hang myself.

sibling rivalries

Post 8

Artretia Dent

By the time we meet, I'll have no reason to look at boys. Anyway, men are much preferred, and they look at me first. Huh! Shopping malls! As if!

sibling rivalries

Post 9

QuadBee (39130)

If the three of you don't meet beforehand, theoretically everyone is supposed to meet at the Big Bang Burger Bar, and I'll try to have some cro-magnon men there too so the three of you can drool over them.

Oh dear, the chihuahua wants out. I have to go I'm afraid. Be back later.

sibling rivalries

Post 10

Artretia Dent

Well, I'll still have no need to drool over them. Well, not officially, anyway.

sibling rivalries

Post 11

Artretia Dent

Well, I'll still have no need to drool over them. Well, not officially, anyway.
Oh, have you noticed my 5 chapters? (They're small edible bitesize ones). I'm now typing out the sixth, and writing the 11th....

sibling rivalries

Post 12

QuadBee (39130)

I've been concentrating this morning on catching up with all the message boards. I'll try to update the QuadBee project as soon as I can.

sibling rivalries

Post 13

Artretia Dent

I've sent you an E-mail!
I just hope you'll understand it.
Not that its a confusing concept or anything, I'm just not all that god at explaining it.

sibling rivalries

Post 14

QuadBee (39130)

Okay! I added your chapters to the anthology. =)

sibling rivalries

Post 15

Artretia Dent

Good, good.

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