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Peregrin the...

Post 1


uncertain? You have more name changes than I do!

Nice page, great smilies... can I pinch some? smiley - winkeye When will they be available for free use in all forums...?! Wasn't Peta looking for some nice festive ones after the halloween delights?

Well, I'd better go pay my respects to Bwlch...

'sus smiley - smiley

Peregrin the...

Post 2


Feel free to pinch my smileys for your own use! If you use a whole load of them at once I wouldn't mind a reference, but I'm not too bothered if it's just the occasional one.
You cannot (officially) use them in forums yet, and I don't know if the h2g2 team are planning to release more. Thank's for the tip about the festive ones, I'll (try to) contact Peta! smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 3


*how does he do that..?*

Thanks! And I think your smileys deserve a link... hmmm... what name...?

'sus smiley - smiley

(PS Was there a cross-eyed one in there? I often feel in need of a cross-eyed one!)


Post 4


As you've noticed there is a way of having smileys in forums... I'm not sure if it's meant to be public knowledge, but it's probably fairly easy to find out if you look hard enough. I would feel horribly guilty if I did tell people and it wasn't meant to be spread about, so I hope you don't mind if I don't tell you!! It was a bit of a fluke me finding out anyway!
If you want a link to my page, just put Peregrin! Thanks smiley - smiley


Post 5


Consider yourself linked!

'sus smiley - smiley


Post 6


Thanks! I'm honoured!


Post 7


BTW, I like having bear feet... no, no... I mean bare feet! Is that similar to 'Cold Feet', which I also like a lot?! smiley - winkeye

Southampton Uni? I wanted to go there to study marine biology...

...never did though!

'SUSpected lunatic smiley - bigeyes (Now, I could do with squinty...!)


Post 8


PS You obviously know your stuff! You know what would be really cool? If the toes on your foot wriggled (like being tickled) when the mouse pointer is dragged over it! Just a thought! smiley - winkeye


Post 9


Excellent idea!! smiley - smiley I'll follow that up, I like it a lot!
I've been trying to draw a cross-eyed smiley since you suggested it, but the closest I've got is the 'grimace' smiley (which I've added, take a look).
The foot is literally mine - I scanned it in!


Post 10


Reminds me of tales of office parties and photocopiers!

I checked out the 'grimace' smiley, and I think prunes would be recommended! I also like the 'geek' you've added. On the Christmas theme, how about a bauble smilie or a snowsmilie?

Keep up the good work! I'll just keep on struggling and grinding my teeth...! smiley - winkeye



Post 11


I've been trying a bauble for a while, but no breakthroughs yet... I hadn't thought of a snowsmiley, I'll do it now.
*Peregrin crouches over his drawing board and concentrates*


Post 12


Some wonderful additions I see! smiley - winkeye

'Get together' also made me think of a 'bowling ball' smiley. And of course, there could be a range of animal smilies - cat, sheep, tortoise, etc! I'm in 'two minds' about the siamese smiley (!)... how about a 'brain' smiley?!

smiley - smiley Hope we get to see some more in general use on H2 soon! smiley - smiley



Post 13


PS And a Frankensmiley!


Post 14


hello again peregrin! i loooooove your smileys--especialy the christmas pud onesmiley - smiley
how DO you make these beautiful creations???


Post 15


Thanks Saffire smiley - smiley
It's really not that hard making them - I just edit the existing ones in Paint Shop Pro. At the moment I do one or two a day, depending on whether I have any good ideas. Pegasus - I took up your idea of animals, and did cat/dog/mouse, which I think turned out nicely. Frankensmiley I think has already been done by Menza@@e, he did some Halloween specials.
Suggestions always welcome! smiley - smiley


Post 16


how about a smiley jamming to some music---wearing a set of headphones maybe? its what im doing right now because i cant fall asleep.........................


Post 17


I was thinking of doing an animated headbopping one! Headphones...mmm...
*Sticks tongue out and wrinkles forehead in stereotypical artist's style and starts scribbling*


Post 18


good luck!


Post 19


Hi Peregrin! Did I see you're coming up to London?

Hmmmm..... how about a dolphin smiley (or just a dolphin) to gobble up some of these fish..... smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

'sus smiley - smiley


Post 20


Yup, I'm coming to London. smiley - fish I did a shark. Dolphin? Hmm.... Southampton University (where I'm at now) have a dolphin as their logo. I did an icon version of it. I'll have to look it out.
That reminds me, I must figure out how to get in and out of London. I've not been on the underground since I was eight, so it'll be fun smiley - smiley

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