This is the Message Centre for Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

End of a Century

Post 61

I'm not really here

Oh. Now I've gone all funny and need to have a lie down in a quiet room with all the lights out. smiley - bigeyes

End of a Century

Post 62

The Duke of Dunstable

Or, perhaps, go to the shopping centre and buy something silly?

EV, I completely forgot that you were apt for the part of the farm owner. Pardon me. This shows that I need help with the script. Oh where is Vestboy and Olaf when you need them?

End of a Century

Post 63

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

They're over there. *points*

End of a Century

Post 64

The Duke of Dunstable

*Looks in all directions*

End of a Century

Post 65


*Points in the general direction EV had, somewhere behind the Duke*
I think he said over there.

End of a Century

Post 66

The Duke of Dunstable

But there's no one there! Are you both hallucinating? Get a grip!

*Turns around and eyes surroundings just to make sure*

End of a Century

Post 67

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, you missed them. They ran away.

End of a Century

Post 68


*shrugs shoulders*

End of a Century

Post 69

I'm not really here


End of a Century

Post 70

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*turns round*

End of a Century

Post 71

I'm not really here

Oh, nothing. Just wanted to say it.

End of a Century

Post 72

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh great, panto!
Oh no it isn't!!!

End of a Century

Post 73

The Duke of Dunstable

The replies here are getting smaller and smaller, soon this will look like the waiting forum.

I want to point out that you didn't fool me for a second, EV. Vestboy and Olaf seems not to have been here for ages, so there.

End of a Century

Post 74

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Probably caught this conversation a little too late, but why do I have to be the pensioner with an embarrassing wound? Why can't I be the dashing young hero with the rugged charm and endless supply of quips to confuse the villains and seduce the heroine?

I mean, that's much more me.....

smiley - winkeye

End of a Century

Post 75

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Well, you don't want to be typecast, do you?

End of a Century

Post 76

I'm not really here

Is this still a panto, or a Gone with the Wind type thing?

End of a Century

Post 77

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Probably a bit late for the panto season now.

End of a Century

Post 78

I'm not really here

Oh no it isn't.

(Worth a try.)

End of a Century

Post 79

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh yes it is.

(I knew someone was going to do that.)

End of a Century

Post 80

I'm not really here

(Oh no you didn't.)

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