This is the Message Centre for Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Car Boot Sale

Post 221


Moving ahead on this cerebral topic..They have a good collection of heads and such war trophies in the Pitt Rivers museum, and little cards with descriptions of how it is done. For the curious or headstrong.

Maybe I am getting ahead of myself.

Here a headhunter is just some dude or dudess who calls you at the office offering you the opportunity for a better job, just while your boss walks in.

Car Boot Sale

Post 222


You couldn't send the second type of headhunter round to see me could you? Actually, I might have a use for the first lot as well, there are far too many undergraduates at University this time of year, they need a pruning.

Car Boot Sale

Post 223


In my Engineering school they pruned them by having a course/s you had to pass, use a text book few could understand and make the exam on the chapters that you were recommended to read just for interest if you like, but won't be on the exam (honest). That got rid of half of them. The unfortunate ended up somewhere else or would still stick around having another go at it - probably to be given some other conundrum.

I've used headhunters before to help find people to work with. They reminded me a bit of slave traders - but it is a useful profession, we all need them sometime.

Car Boot Sale

Post 224


What slaves? smiley - winkeye Best go and check out the new site for the sale.

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