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leaving earth
Researcher 40271 Started conversation May 27, 1999
i have read the hitchikers guide and found the part on how to leave the planet very funny
but i was thinking about it ..really thinking about it and heres what i came up with
first off i have never left the comforts of earth not once(well other than that stuff i tried once but
that dosnt count) and i have found that i really dont want to. i would like to
be waightless and see what i could do in space(come on nasa has had to have tried weird stuff in zero g
there just not telling anyone) like see what would happen if i sneezed or something stupid.
but right now i really wouldnt want to leave earth.
the science reason... prolonged effects of zero g can be loss of muscles,
nausia, a form of "the bends" and others. so until we can simulate gravity i will stay on this useless hunk of mud called
the not so science reasons.. space scares me!! think about it a total vacume thats infinate!
theres only a little bit of metal between you and void! not to mention the lack of O2 you only have a limited
supply! and come on cabin fever would be a drag!
although i have read that a company calling itself "virgin airways" or somthing like that
is working on a 4 star hotel in space, and a ticket there(and back i hope)will
only costs apx 100thousand
but thats my views on space, anyone agree or care to add pluses or negatives about topic
feel free.
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leaving earth
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."