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A reply from your fellow Basingstokian

Post 1


Thanks for responding to my 'about me page, I thought I'd return the favor.

Your lifestyle sounds very interesting! What martial art do you do. I have a friend thats very big in the Spirit Combat club here abouts. (Bis as in very good at it and starting to tech the newbies, not big as in large). He likes Marilyn Manson and chocolate as well!

How did you stumble across my home page?

Reply to a (hopefully) new friend

Post 2

Pig Tails

Hi Mongoose!

I found your user page when I was looking for some information about Delphi for my sister. Can't say I know much about those sorts of things, I'm more into the art and physical side of stuff than the technical.

You said you had a friend who studies with Spirit Combat. I've heard of them, the're quite good, lots of influences and lots of other style to draw ideas from myself I study jujitsu mainly but I have to go all the way to Reading I'd love to know the whereabouts of a SCI club. Are you interested in any of that stuff yourself? It seems that your friend and I have a lot in common, he/she can't be all that bad if they like Marilyn Manson and as for the chocolate, well, who doesn't love it? (It's the exercise that you have to do to burn off the calories that's the bummer!)

I hope all goes well with the job hunting, I liked your entry by the way, hope you feel happy to keep on chatting.

Blessed Be,
Michelle "Pig Tails".

Reply to a (hopefully) new friend

Post 3


In response to your reply on my home page :-

I have both TNG and Highlander COMPLETE on video tape. Oh and Friends up to the most recent season that just ended on Sky.

The bidding starts at...

Probably best to just continue this chat here rather than on both our home pages. Should we exchange email? Might be easier.

I'll ask my friend for the location and time his club meets. I think its about £10 a year membership (for insurance) and £3-4 a lesson? They do unarmed and weapons training. My friend is teach the Kenjitsu (swords right?) syllabus to the others. And he only starting learning about a year ago. He's going for his blue next.

If you'd rather email use [email protected]

If not I'll check this thread soon (when I remember!)



Post 4


SCI meets at the Popley Fields Community Centre of Carpenter's Down, near Popley. They meet on Mondays 1930-2200. Its £4 a lesson, and if you wish to contunie with the club theres a one off registration fee of £10, and £11 a year for the insurance.

Unsent emails

Post 5

Pig Tails

Hi Francis

Thanks for the information about the Spirit Combat club you have gathered for me. In response to you wanting to exchange emails I think it is a very good idea but I'm afraid that upon trying your email address [email protected] my message was returned by jakinternet, the senders, with a little note saying that it was not recognised as an email address, anyhue, the email I wrote to you on this particular occasion was as follows:

---Thanks for giving me your email address, I think it will be more personal using these, mine is [email protected] so it seems we both use free4all, all these coincidences are a bit spooky, we're not a figment of each other's imagination are we? You didn't say if you minded me calling you Francis by the way.

Thank your friend for the details about the Spirit Combat club, I will try to get down there, I live in Oakridge (a very naturey name for a very built-up area) so a trip to Popley on my roller blades is in order to try to find this Popley Fields Community Centre place. I've heard of it in the Gazette, it's near a wooded area I believe. Or perhaps you could ask him for a contact phone number/address/email for him or his Sensei.

All the Highlander series you say (muffled sigh), all those Adrian Paul fight scenes, those toned pecs twitching, long black hair whipping about (more muffled sighs), I've not really been able to watch all of them as we do not have Sky and I found out about the terrestrial TV series a bit too late, and Friends too, you're a very busy man by the sound of it! I am currently collecting the TNG episodes on video from the shops, it looks very impressive on the shelves of my bedroom and at the price they charge I'd expect nothing less!

Any luck with the job hunting? I'm currently looking for a full-time job myself to help pay the bills now that college is winding up. Haven't got a clue what I want to do though. Did you do anything for the Summer Solstice last night? I don't know if you appreciate nature yourself but I took a long walk into the countryside, it was a magical night, sweet smells and cool air and the grey/blue sky and bright sunset were the most beautiful whilst unfussy I have seen for a while. Anyhue, must tear myself away from my computer, I've got a busy day tomorrow so I'll leave hoping to hear from you soon. ---

That's all there was but since then quite a few interesting things have happened and I would love to tell you about them so I would appreciate you looking into the problem with your email address, perhaps it has something to do with me.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Blessed Be,


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