This is the Message Centre for Prisoner 2436

Today's music

Post 1


Maybe the most difficult part in talking about today's music (?) is the question if tolerance can be maintained if attacked by a wave of teeny-bopperesque tunes armed with platinum-LPs and the Gangsta-style-really-cool-rap-muthaf***as. Well, there's also german folk, but nevermind, that is beyond tolerance.
As to the question, I suppose the answer has to be "Yes", unfortunately. Since I have come to that conclusion, I use to boycott the chart style TV-shows and such, buy KoRn-CDs along with radiohead and others and wonder if it the 5% of mankind that do the same are just an accidental bunch of mistaken mutants or the sophisticated elite force...
The only sad thing is the growing loneliness I face in not going to some parties and the incomprehandable luck some of those trendy-buggers have with girls. But well.

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Today's music

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