This is the Message Centre for Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

techno dogs and english men

Post 1

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

anyone seen Teksta? toys are getting cool. Reminds me of my old omnibot anyone have one of those? aaaah. I clearly have nothing to say.

techno dogs and english men

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Errrrrrrrr......... no.

techno dogs and english men

Post 3

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

oh. um they were all very lost in space...

Danger Will Robinson etc

techno dogs and english men

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh. Well, sounds cool anyway. Where've you been? I thought you'd got lost again.

techno dogs and english men

Post 5

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

ye olde real world and all that...

techno dogs and english men

Post 6

punychicken, Patron saint of Insomniac Truthseekers and Keeper of All Things Moist and Some Things Lilac

Real life indeed, dowg. Maybe you should breathe and stop, then ponder who let the dogs out. I blame Tag team myself...

You still after a bloody omnibot??

smiley - bigeyes

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