This is the Message Centre for Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

The Herald???

Post 1

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

Sometimes I get bored and try to welcome people before the ACEs do. Sometimes I get bored and doodle pictures. One day the two met, shook hands and gave each other a knowing wink. The picture on my homepage and my new name are the result of this chance encounter.

hey it only took a year for me to change my Introduction, so don't hold your breathe for an officialGuide entry....

The Herald???

Post 2


lol smiley - smiley

I used to try to beat the aces too- and now I am one... I have to say that that was my ambition, though, ever since I heard of their existance...

The Herald???

Post 3

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

huh? someone noticed me??? (JK)
I kind of like just flitting around as the mood takes me I don't think I could bare the responsibility of being an ACE smiley - smiley and even though I've been here ages I don't know half the stuff myself...

The Herald???

Post 4

punychicken, Patron saint of Insomniac Truthseekers and Keeper of All Things Moist and Some Things Lilac

thou art slack dear boy. Try using that inocuous grey box you have cabled up in your room... might help.

By the way, where DID you get the table it is on.... very nice.

smiley - smiley

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