This is the Message Centre for Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

*knocks on door*

Post 1

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Are you out there?

*knocks on door*

Post 2

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

sorry a large cow fell from the sky and trapped me for several months. luckily it saw a job interview for an accountant and got up and left yestarday.

*knocks on door*

Post 3

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Bob! You're alive!!!
*firm, manly handshake*
Sorry to hear about the cow, still, it's something to tell your grandchildren...

*knocks on door*

Post 4


hey, i had a problem like that once...
altho, not exactly like that...
this moose used to follw me around everywhere singing "Boom Boom Aint it great to be crazy" untill one day he heard this group of kids singing the song that never ends at the playground down the blockand he went to them...
i think he follows one of them around now...
ever since i've been saying "that moose was lying, i'm not crazy", but my friends say that it's not too convincing

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