Journal Entries

June 1, 1999

 Men are weird. Every time I think I'm falling for Rain, he screws up somehow and I get closer to Derick, then he does something that makes me want to scream. Thinking about dumping them both and spending time with my cats.

Memorial Day weekend wasn't too bad.. Saturday got lost in a tangle of errands and shopping, Sunday went to the renn faire and got covered in dust and found pretty knives to drool over, as well as spending time being very catty about marks, I mean customers, horrible costumes. Monday tried to go to disneyland but the parking lot was more crowded than I've ever seen it.. so ran away and wandered around Citywalk and saw The Matrix finally. Decent movie.. gave me some ideas.

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May 26, 1999

Hollywood: where else would there be a restaurant called Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles? but the food is good, and it's always crowded. I wonder if they take reservations? Had an Angelyne spotting the other day.. she was driving down Ventura Blvd. in her Pepto-Bismol pink corvette, talking on the cell phone.

Friday night is a monthly nightclub called "Release the Bats" etc. The goth scene in LA/Hollywood is close-minded, melodramatic, exclusive, and somewhat overdone in a rather boring way. Oh well.. nothing more interesting to do. At least we have Jeanne Nitro!

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May 21, 1999

Hmm.. what constitutes "too much" alcohol, and how can you tell if someone drinks too much, when you've only seen them drunk twice, but they're almost always drinking a beer? And why are the clerk/workers at Kinko's always so rude?

And when is "too soon" to fall in love with someone? Everyone wants to think "love at first sight" exists.. but if someone decides they love you in the second month of dating, people freak out and think there's something wrong with the person since they're moving so fast.

Boy are we hypocrites.

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May 17, 1999

 grrrr... Woke up late surrounded by cats trying to eat the fringe on my blanket. Dealt with LA traffic and still managed to get to work in one piece, then had to track packages on the internet and yell at a FedEx customer service person because they lost 10 boxes that were supposed to be delivered to Florida on Friday. Why is it that customer service is never service, and it's not for the customer?


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Latest reply: May 17, 1999

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