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So who are you then!

Post 21

Doug Dastardly

I've got this towel over my head smiley - winkeye. I'll be ok - ooh, I just thought, I better check that there's not a reflection in the window behind me! Still it looks good when I'm sitting there typing! They think I'm being very busy!

So who are you then!

Post 22


smiley - smiley I never should have told my family what page it is I log onto so often; they all think it's a waste of time. But boy, do I look busy!

So who are you then!

Post 23

Doug Dastardly

Yeah, I told my dad (also a hitchhikers fan) what I was up to and he just said one word that left me totally demoralised... "Why?" he said... Best I could come up with was "Why not?". smiley - winkeye

So who are you then!

Post 24


I've decided not to let my parents read HHGTTG. they might get a tad offended at some parts, like the conversation which ends with). God disappearing in a blinding flash of logicx (I *love* that part, it cracks me up!) But then me and my parents don't agree on a lot fo things, so this isn't a big surprise. smiley - smiley

So who are you then!

Post 25

Doug Dastardly

I remember lending my mum a film ages ago (I can't remember what film it was... but she's a bit funny about bad language etc) and it was only as I was driving home that I remembered just what was in it! She gave the video back to me in silence and never said another word about it!

Have you heard the original radio plays?

So who are you then!

Post 26


*laugh* I know what you mean! I've talked about my Crichton books so much my mom wants to read them! I'm stalling for as long as I can. No, I've not heard the radio plays, the tapes are checked out fo the library at the moment. But I do have acess to them, yes.

So who are you then!

Post 27

Doug Dastardly

Hehe yeah, it's sad really when you have to vet the books/films you lend your parents! My mum liked the book Jurassic Park much better than the film though, so I guess there's hope!

Definately worth getting hold of the Radio Series smiley - smiley Since finding this site, I've been listening to them again!

So who are you then!

Post 28


I know! My mom always says that she could never preview the books I read because she's so much slower reader than I am, I'd never get anything read!

Yeah, I know what you mean! I would be re-reading the Ultimate Guide, but I let a guy borrow it and he hasn't given it back yet. smiley - sadface I love tha5t book. Funny thing, my boss does too! We talk about that and Star Wars a lot. i love my boss.

So who are you then!

Post 29

Doug Dastardly

Sounds like a cool boss. Mine is out a lot, so I basicly get on with things myself, and this week that's tended to mean hanging around here doing absolutely no work whatsoever! but hey, I've had fun! smiley - smiley

It's annoying when people don't give books back. I've just bought Dirk Gently's Hollistic Detective Agency again as that went walk about...

So who are you then!

Post 30


*LOL* That's basically what happens in our store when Amy (my boss) goes on vacation. She doesn't take many days off. smiley - smiley

*sheepish grin* Usually I'm the person that keeps books forever. But I do eventually give themn back! But I really can't wait to get my Hitchhiker's Guide back. I love that book.

So who are you then!

Post 31


Not giving the HHGTTG book back soon enough should be a shooting offence... I mean, I lent it to a friend of mine, for to better his mind kinda thing, and he didn't give me it back for months and months and months, until we got our GCSE results in fact... and I'd given him it before the exams.

He *also* kept my juggling knives for about the same amount of time... *sigh* without my juggling knives and my book, I'm a bit lost, y'know what I mean?

BTW *wasn't* joking about the juggling knives, it's all true. Look up juggling... you'll see my name on the entry smiley - smiley.

*Stands up, grabs his juggling knives and proves the point.*

(Actually, that last bit was a lie, I'm typing this at college, but if I wasn't, then it wouldn't be, and I will, so basically you can take it as read and just ignore this waffly bit down here completely, because, essentially, it could be said not to exist, or at least not in any meaningful sense - which is something, actually, that it has in common with much of what I've evver written in my entire life, along with being nominated for the "longest sentence ever" award lots and lots of times, once for each sentence pretty much in fact. Anyway.)

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