This is the Message Centre for Paulthebread


Post 1


Hi Paul, just thought I would say hello here, and it would be great to be able to talk over New Year when the food boards are closed.



Post 2


Hi P+T

Brilliant - I'd hate to go a couple of days without any foodie chit chat!

Have you seen my last post on the Hosts 'Good news and bad news' thread?

Any idea if the boards are open in the morning?

'From Dec 31 to Jan 2' she says, but it could be anytime tomorrow, I guess.

Cheers, Paul


Post 3


I'm not totally sure, some were saying they would close at 6 tonight, so that hasn't happened. They may close at midnight tonight or it could be midnight tomorrow night and only closed for New Years Day.

Think we just need to try and see.

I had my daughter back for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day morning, and after 18 years of being veggie she has started eating meat again!! Felt very strange asking my daughter how she liked her bacon cooked! (she is 26 now)


Post 4


i tell my SIL, who's a big meat eater, that he's got plenty of time, since I didn't become a veggie until I was 64!

He totally discounts the possibility - but so did I at 35!

Still not sussed out h2g2. I can't find any record of a previous conversation I had with you in the summer.

Does it appear on your list?


Post 5


No Paul, cos it was on Steve's page (Aristologist not Wokman) I had never contaced you direct before.

I see Steve (Wokman) now has us on his discussion list smiley - ok


Post 6


I also emailed you to leave my email address should you ever need it.

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