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Another Ciabatta

Post 1


Hi Paul

I made another this morning to the revised recipe and would welcome any comments you might care to make, hoping you don't mind this approach.

First thing I should say is I read the other day that if you mix 2 parts cold water to 1 part freshly boiled, that equals about 37C, or hand-hot. The water temp was nowhere near that for the first ciabatta and this one has risen more. Included 2 tbls OO and it still seemed enough, although it's a long time since I had a professionally made ciabatta.

Here's the pics:

1: just mixed
2: 1 hour later
3: turned out
4: about 30 mins later
5: just out of the oven
6: not many holes!

I know you said it should look rustic, but how do I attain less of a frisby shape and more of a rectangular, big-sausage-roll shape? Could I use a small roasting tray, lined with baking paper? This bread measures about 10 x 7 inches and max 2" deep. More holes would make it deeper, but they aren't happening (yet).

Very soft and very tasty, funny shape - or doesn't that matter?

Geoff smiley - smiley

Another Ciabatta

Post 2


Hi Geoff

To my mind you're almost there! I say 'almost, because you can see where it could be 'improved'.

Trouble is everyone's concept of a ciabatta is different and whereas I'd be happy with that loaf, you aren't.

It looks exactly like the ciabatta in the book I used to develop my recipe - 'The bread book' by Collister and Blake I mentioned before.

I had a bit of a look around on the web and found two sites that would interest you.

If you google 'ciabatta pics', the first result gives you 186 pics - and the 6th leads to a baking forum with someone asking how to get bigger holes in a ciabatta.

Have a look at those two sites and see what you think.

Just one further point - a commercial oven - or even a domestic oven that gets very hot - will produce better results than the average domestic oven.

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

Another Ciabatta

Post 3


Hi Paul

Thanks for your comments. I'll try and be happier with my results, but it can be a bit tricky having been born under the Virgo sign! I must remember that what I produce, in a domestic oven, can't be the same as the professionals produce and ask myself if it even should be.

Thanks for the links, there's some interesting stuff there. Along the way I discovered the baker's couche. I might try some experimentation with 'shaping' the bread in an appropriate container on paper while it rises a second time before lifting it on to a baking sheet and going in the oven.

On books, I got a DK book called 'Bread, baking by hand or machine' by Treuille and Ferrigno that looks useful out of the library during the week. And this morning I looked into my fairly small local branch and got all they had: 'Bread, a complete guide' by Ingram and Shapter, Collister's 'Baking Bible' and 'Quick Breads' 75 inspiring recipes by Liz Franklin.

Geoff smiley - biggrin

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