This is the Message Centre for Paulthebread

Your Advice

Post 1


I started a course-- Adult Introductory Teaching Course.
So much boring stuff-- a lot of writing-- asssessmants!
But it is better to do it now-- and it will be finished by Chrismas!
How is your life?
What is new?

Need to find time to write on MB...

Too much to do now for me..

Have you made any chocolate?

I also started learning Argentinian Tango-- I am a tango fanatic now!!!
But I will not change my name-- FBB.

Big hug and smiley - chocsmiley - alesmiley - smiley from Olga

Your Advice

Post 2


Hi Olga!

I've wondering why I haven't seen you posting recently.

Well done for getting on the course, I'm excited for you!

I thought of you this evening since I'm making chocolate and banana bread tomorrow. I usually do it with chocolate spread, but I don't have any. I was wondering if I could mix cocoa powder, soya marge and honey?

I only use Fair trade chocolate nowadays and I haven't seen fairtrade choc spread.

"I also started learning Argentinian Tango-- I am a tango fanatic now!!!"

It's the salsa for me - so I know what you mean!

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

Your Advice

Post 3



Anything really--for the spread
I use cream of coconut, soya cream-- to dissolve the cocoa powder-- tahini, hazelnut butter-- and honey as a sweetener!
I also use bananas-- to mash with cocoa powder.
Good cocoa powder-- sold in OXFAMs-- Fairtrade too!

Need to eat my breakfast-- chocolate spread and rye bread!

Talk to you soon,
again!smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Your Advice

Post 4


Thanks, Olga!

Off shortly for the weekend, but I just want to say I think you should start a thread with your first post!

Who knows who you might encourage into following your example?

Yes, I get Fair trade cocoa powder, but I've never seen Fairtrade chocolate spread. Shan't need it now, I'll make my own!smiley - biggrin

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

Your Advice

Post 5


No, me eigther!
Well, it is you, Paul, who encouraged me and gave me an advice at the right time!
Basically, now everybody without teaching qualification has to do this course-- Introductory one!
I need to do some chocolate too!
Have a very good week-end,
Manysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley andsmiley - chocgalore
from Olga

Your Advice

Post 6


Hope you had a good week-end!
Today I was thinking about teaching,
So I came with an idea-- The Art and Science of Breadbaking!
How do you advertise your course?
What do you plan to teach?
Anyhow, you are my teacher now-- so I will keep asking you...
if you have time-- answer me...
I quite liked this---
"Because well you know these things just happen and although there are allegedly plenty of fish in the sea there has been some serious overfishing recently not to mention the cod wars and what with tuna being full of mercury and farmed salmon escaping back into the wild wrecking the genetic integrity of Atlantic salmon and Monsanto working on GM SuperFishâ„¢ based on a sardine with added elephant giraffe and Boris Johnson genes to hoover up what ever is left in the oceans well fish suppers just aren't what they used to be so will just have to change diet to deep fried Mars Bars instead. Yum."

Have a Good Evening!
Love from Olgasmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - ale whatever good you fancy and FBB too

Your Advice

Post 7


Hi, Paul,
i, Paul,
sorry, did not reply.. ( The MB was closing)
The course,

very boring-- too much writing-- and all we have to do -- deliver a leson--30 min..
What did you do?
For the 1st lesson?
mix flour?
Show the SD?
I don't yet know what to do?
May be you can give me a phone call...
What is your e-mail address?


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