This is the Message Centre for Paulthebread

Merry Christmas! and A Very Healthy New Year!

Post 21


Hi, Paul ,
I could not send you my e-mail it has been returned to me, so I used the BBC service.

I received this as an e-mail-- please, have a look
New competition
Send us your bread recipes and win a 3-day bread-making course with B&B stay in rural Dorset.
We've got together with our friends at The Gourmet World, in Dorset, to run a really interesting competition with a great prize. The competition is to find the best 'forgotten' bread recipe in the country. Gourmet World are specialists in a wide range of artisan foods and have recently started running bread-making courses under the expert guidance of their master-baker, Boyd. They are particularly keen to ensure that knowledge of old recipes is not lost.
If you have an old, forgotten (possibly pre-war) recipe for bread then send it to us. Every recipe will be baked by Boyd and the best ten will be chosen. The finished products for those ten will then be taken to the Christchurch Food Festival where they will be subject to tasting by a panel of judges including Gourmet World's 'Club Gourmet' team, BigBarn staff and a host of celebrity chefs. Finally, a winner will be announced at 12.30pm on 11th May.
The winner will receive a 3-day hands-on bread-making course at Gourmet World with B&B accommodation provided.
Send your recipes tosmiley - smiley [email protected] smiley - smiley before Friday 13th Aprilsmiley - smiley.

May be it makes sence to post this lettter on BBC Food message board.
I demonstrated my breadbaking to afterschool club children-- it was very good, and I am confident that I can do the same if not better with adults
I hope you are well.
smiley - choc from FBB

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Merry Christmas! and A Very Healthy New Year!

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