This is the Message Centre for Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Keep taking the tablets...

Post 1

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

After another fruitless search for my tablet's stylus I decided to try to buy a replacement. I searched the Wacom website, and traced the product. When I clicked the "Buy Now" link, it just dumped me out at a German error message. smiley - headhurts Eventually, I phoned the UK number which transferred me to a German engineer, and he put me on to a different website.

There, the pens cost almost £40 each! smiley - yikes I searched around the site, and found a used graphics tablet, identical to mine, with both pen & mouse, and a 2-year warranty on the lot, for £30! smiley - wow I ordered it up on the basis that once the missing pen reappears I'll have a whole spare tablet. smiley - ok I have four cheap graphics tablets sitting in the hallway, wrapped and sealed, but I don't want to open them - partly because they've only got single-ended pens (the Wacom pen has an eraser) and partly because they belong to COGS. (In theory at least; I paid for them, but I'll get the money back from COGS eventually.)

Other than that, it was a lousy day. It rained incessantly, and every shop I tried to shelter in was full of smokers, so after two breaths I had to head out into the rain again or run the risk of puking. smiley - ill

I've cried off from going to the next Mudshark Binge in a couple of weeks time. I got a look at the menu, and it's *really* expensive - the pasta course alone costs as much as the entire meal at the last Binge did! That, and pretty much everything on the menu has smiley - tomato on it. smiley - yuk

On the website front, I produced and uploaded a whole batch of new product images for the MyBodyPH site, and got a head start on customising the CasaVista site's graphics, while Bob studies the database scripts. smiley - geek

Keep taking the tablets...

Post 2


Peet, you did the right thing in crying off the next Binge. The resturant is nice, but it is small and the food is, as you have noted, expensive. The wine won't be cheap either. The place doesn't leave much scope for distancing oneself from smoakers, and everything will be absolutely hoaching with tomatoes. Spend some of the money on something nice to drink and treat yourself to a take-away instead - you will still be up on the deal. I don't think that this has been a particularly inspired Binge venue selection...


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