This is the Message Centre for Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 1

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I spoke to my Mother on the 'phone today. That's never a good thing.

She says she's coming to Aberdeen to see me on my birthday. I said I'd meet her in town. She wants to come here. She's immune to all my protestations that it's not convenient. I ended up slamming the 'phone down on her and screaming "C**T!!!!!" at the walls for about two hours. smiley - grrsmiley - wahsmiley - grrsmiley - wahsmiley - grr

I can barely stand to be around her at the best of times, and I really DO NOT WANT HER IN MY HOUSE. smiley - steam

Combine that with the fact that there's nothing worth watching on TV tonight and I've spent the evening listening to the radio and staring into space. I had a brief visit from my pal Gordon, but otherwise no excitement. smiley - brave

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

you got a birthday coming up, Peet? So have I!

commiserations about your mother. Oscar Wilde said something to the effect that we rarely manage to forgive our parents. I'm going down to see mum in May. I have to see her before I go off to SA, obviously, but also because I have some curtains hanging in my house which belong to her and which I need to return. Fortuitously the Archbishop of Canterbury is coming down to preach at her local church in May, so that gave me a good reason to go down and see her. But I won't be staying at her place - no way, there are several ghosts there and I'm quite sensitive to them especially when they decide to manifest themselves at 3 in the morning!

I was going to stay at Peter my brother's place, but I just remembered that he has a ghost too in his house. So it looks like I'll be staying at a B&B somewhere in Kent. I can't handle ghosts.

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 3

Polly Tunnel

Hey Peet, I don't know what the problem with your Mother is but if you don't want her in your house then don't let her in. Tell her that either she meets you in town or not at all. Just don't be at home when she calls.- if necessary.

All this is easier to say than do I know but be true to yourself if you can. You are the one that counts.

Polly smiley - ok

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 4

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

She *doesn't* call. When I give my 'phone number to anyone, even a stranger on business, I make them promise first that it *won't* find its way to my Mother. smiley - grr

I phone her about once a week, out of a sense of duty, but generally have to find an excuse to cut the call short before I start screaming at her.

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 5

DeeKay Bee

Paramount2 are running h2g2 back to back, OH put it on and has gone to bed and left it on.

Not much use if you don't have P2 though (or even if you don't want to watch h2g2). They've just left the restaurant at the end of the universe (I think), so only one to go IIRC

smiley - dontpanic

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

is it just me, or is hootoo really slow and buggy this evening?


Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 7

DeeKay Bee

It's very flaky, I keep getting error messages. It doesn't inspire confidence!

I'm keeping an eye on the peregrines, somethings happening, she's been unsettled for the last couple of hours and it looks like there is an egg beside her now

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 8


I also haven't given my mother my phone number know how you feel. Just tell her I can meet you in the town or we'll have to cancel. If you feel you need to make an excuse say the water will be off or something as they are digging up the road.I understand your frustration...mothers never listen...just ask my daughtersmiley - laugh But at least we have not got to the stage where daughter avoids me...I hope I never turn out like my mother but unfortunately I have half her genes....smiley - yikes ,smiley - run

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 9

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Hey, Tabs! smiley - hug


Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 10


Hey Peet mate

I had a very diificult relationship with my mother for many years, though it's much better now. I can completely relate to your feelings.......don't want to give you any comforting homilies, cos I know from my own experience that just made me feel worse. Just to say your not the only one, smiley - ok

Love, redpeck

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 11

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

smiley - hug Red. smiley - ok

Blinding rage, stunning apathy.

Post 12

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour. mum lives at the other shore of the Atlantic Ocean...quite handy distance...

smiley - dragon

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