Journal Entries
Apple Macintosh computer
Posted May 12, 1999
A machine which should by now have dominated the computer market.
They have been making a beautifull and easy to use product since 1984.
But have seemingly had no intersestin making a profit.
This is admirable, because a rival competitor , with less integrity, has been around for a similar amount of time and is only a couple of years away from world domination.
He has achieved this by releasing inferior software. Nobody minds though because they have never used a Macintosh and just accept what they are given.
In the year 1999 though Apple inadvertantly released a product that sold quite well. Not sure what to do next they re-released the same product in different colours to see if that would confuse the public, unfortunately for Apple these sold even better than the previous model which was only available in blue.
A shift has started to occur which will mean that Apple will soon dominate the computer market
If Apple keep on selling everyone might well have a sensible, reliable, friendly PC that says hello with a smile.
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Latest reply: May 12, 1999
mobile phone
Posted May 12, 1999
This item has been shrinking ever since its conception.
The original models were the size of a medium sized suitcase. Today you can have one small enough to fit into the pocket of a small child wearing a pair of tight fitting jeans. There are estamates that by the year 2010 the mobile phone will be inserted into the inner ear at birth.
For now though, the general use for these hand held communication devices is to recieve useless and intrusive messages from someone you probably wouldn’t normally speak to on a daily basis.
One of there majour purposes is to embarass the owner in the most public of situations.
For example, a train crammed full of commuters.
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Latest reply: May 12, 1999
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