Journal Entries

Why is life like this??

Why is it that certain people when they have to go and apply for a job and they have an interview that they get as far as the interview and then they don't hire? Especially when you have a challenge or limitation, it appears that you'd need either someone that has worked with you for a while already working there or be elegible to have a job coach from one of the special needs workshops to edge into the job. A few months ago my boss ((before she transferred to another location)) said in a meeting that the CEO wanted to use the place I worked at as a test location for a new way of operating and everyone would be transferred until the remodelling would be finished. I at least thought we heard that we would be called and asked back to work and it would be easy as that but last Friday, my boss at this location I transferred to ((which is the same boss because she transferred there permanently before)) told me that I can't ask if I'm needed to stay longer anymore and that no matter what, I was going to get everything in the dishpit washed and floors cleaned and tables bussed before I go and we're usually very busy....then later when I was finally excused I went next door to Java Daves and my mom stopped at work before picking me up and talke d w/ my boss and she said that I needed to go fill out an application to go back!! Now in the past when I did that, I usually don't get past the interview whenever I wasn't happy w/ my former employer and go job hunting. I learned a lot of stuff about interviewing so I was a little more confident but still had a knawing feeling.....

Are most ppl like this? Does everyone need someone there to wedge the door open?

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